Movie News: In Theaters This Week – October 25, 2024
October is slowly ticking away, which means were that much closer to Halloween! As such, a number of this week’s new film certainly lean toward the scary and spooky….
[Movies] In Theaters This Week – November 10, 2023
The holiday movie season has started with two holiday-themed movies out this weekend.
[Movie News] In Theaters This Week – May 5, 2023
With summer quickly approaching, big-name movies are making their way to theaters!
[Cinema Sunday] ‘Ant-Man’: Small Hero, Big Wonders
The weather is fine and the day is glorious. And to kick of the true start of spring is a series of articles this month with a very special…
The Cinematic History of Doctor Strange
It has been over twenty years since Doctor Strange was initially listed as pre-production and comic fans rejoiced. Without ever hitting the screen this movie has had more reboots than Spider-Man.