Sunnycon Anime Expo 2024 was held from June 21-23 at the St. James’ Park in Newcastle, UK. With an emphasis on community and creativity, Sunnycon offered a welcoming environment for fans of all ages to connect, share their passions, and create unforgettable memories.

This annual anime convention has a few guest voice actors and some interesting panels. The panels covered a variety of topics from anime to photography. They also had the usual vendor and artist areas.
Cosplay photos are provided by a neutral third party with no opinions given on the event. Cosplay photos are provided to highlight the skills and enthusiasm of the photographer and cosplayers. All opinions and facts in the article are by the author.
Cosplay was the focus of the event and thanks to Steven J Brown we get to see some of the great cosplay that was on site at Sunnycon Anime Expo 2024. Be sure to visit the links below to check out the rest of their photos from this and other events.
Steven J. Brown Photography

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