SinEater from creators JoJo King and Chase Dunham is an absolute treat.
Cassandra is the town’s “Sineater” – a person with the burden of having the job to consume the sinful souls of those that have just passed before they are summoned to the other side. But being a Sineater is taking its toll on poor Cassandra, and the only one that is there to console her is a trash collecting homeless man, Potnik.
Cassandra finds she’s losing control of her powers when she’s in danger and one of these souls is coming out from within her to “handle” the situations. Not that Cassandra wants this demons help, she is forced to see the demon come out of her and massacre her attackers. Now the city priest and leader wants her dead, that is when she is run out of her secured home surrounded by a circle wall. Now in the dangerous wild outside with her companion Potnik, the two must face the dangers this world has in store for her.
With colorful batch of characters and a very well-planned out story, you can tell this creative duo have a ton of talent. The artwork is very anime animated-like in style which gives fantastic facial emotions. What really shined for me was how well-paced and fluid the panel storytelling was. A good comic doesn’t need the words to tell a story, they just help enhance it, and Sineater gets that.
Covers (issue #1 and issue #2)
My only critique would be when the action starts to get too heavy, the artwork tends to become inconsistent to the rest of the book, but that, I’m sure, will be fixed with more issues and practice in those scenes. SinEaters will pick up lots of fans and followers as I see this becoming one of Insane Comics most beloved new heroines. An action-adventure, with subtexts of horror and plenty of good humor, Sineater is a hit!
PopCultHQ Rating:

You can purchase Sineater #1 in print or digital format directly from Insane Comics!
Preview pages:
Official Synopsis:
Cassandra is an orphan. No family and no friends. Nobody to care for her except for an old homeless man names Potnik. Unfortunately, Cassandra is also the villages designates SinEater.
She is tasked with the burden of consuming the demons and evil inside every person crossing over to the next life. Cassandra is afraid. It is becoming increasingly difficult to bear one of the heaviest burdens of all upon her shoulders: living with the sins of others.