
Serious TV Drama Podcast 177: Flash 3×19 | Arrow 5×19 | Supergirl 2×18

Tori Ann Avatar

After several weeks off, The CW’s superheroes and the STVD All-Star Squad made their triumphant return. Listen as we cover the latest episodes of Supergirl, The Flash, and Arrow!

* Segment Breakdown

* 0:00:00 – 0:03:53  Intro

* 0:03:54 – 0:20:29  Supergirl (“Ace Reporter”)

* 0:20:30 – 0:43:16  Arrow (“Dangerous Liaisons”)

* 0:43:17 – 1:07:34  The Flash (“The Once and Future Flash”)

* 1:07:35 – 1:14:14  Speed Weed Hands-Off Moment of the Week

* 1:14:15 – 1:18:31  Wrapping it All Up

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What were you favorite/least favorite parts of the episodes this week? How would you rate each episodes? Let us know in the comments!


Tori Ann Avatar