Serious TV Drama Podcast 160: Supergirl 2×12 | Arrow 5×13


With The Flash and Legends of Tomorrow off, the STVD squad sped through this week’s episodes of Supergirl and Arrow, as well as covering some brief news about the upcoming Batman and Avengers movies. [Recorded 2/16/17]×12-arrow-5×13/

* Segment Breakdown

* 0:00:00 – 0:02:19  Intro

* 0:02:20 – 0:06:58  Batman/Avengers

* 0:06:59 – 0:34:55  SUPERGIRL (“Luthors”)

* 0:34:56 – 1:06:56  ARROW (“Spectre of the Gun”)

* 1:06:57 – 1:10:20  The Speed Weed Hands-Off Moment of the Week

* 1:10:21 – 1:16:17  Wrapping it All Up

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What did you think of this week’s episodes? What did you think of how Arrow covered the issue of gun control? Do you have a “Speed Weed Moment of the Week”? Let us know in the comments below!