Sadistic #1
Written by: Kelly Bender
Pencils: Bryant Yini
Inks: John Dixon
Colored by: Kari Kaiju
Lettered by: Alex Giles
Sadistic is just what the title entails; it is a downright sadistic look of a super villain so vile, so disturbing, that the creators wouldn’t have it any other way. One of the more popular titles from Insane Comics, Sadistic is a nod back to the ground roots of independent comic book making. It’s not a polished cookie-cutter superhero comic you would expect from the big two. This is a labor of love from a group of creators looking to have some insanely sick fun.
Sadistic is the ultimate bad guy – made of pure evil, filled with ruthless blood-thirsty intentions and able to regenerate himself when he dies into any other body around the world that has just lost its soul. Think of Sadistic as a “Joker” who has been cranked to the highest volume of unbridled violence in the most demented insane psychopath ever created.
Now, as a reviewer my reviews do not serve any good if not completely honest. This is my only critiques of Sadistic.
As with most independent books, the creators may have not known if more then one story would have ever been done. Issue #0 which was found as a flip-book with Miss Conduct #0 / Sadistic #0 and in with this first issue, we get a taste of what to hopefully expect. Now being published by Insane Comics and with a growing fan-base, Kelly Bender and Bryant Yini can take the time to really refine their styles and make Sadistic the comic book that shows so much promise. The cover is great, there are panels that work so well, but it does need more work and time. Like a well done recipe, the ingredients are here, they just need a bit more nurturing and love to make it even better.
You can purchase Sadistic #1 in print or digital format directly from Insane Comics!
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Official Synopsis:
Evil has a new name and it is one that can not be stopped! He is out to destroy all superheroes and his name is SADISTIC!
Sadistic #0
Sadistic is a super villain with the power to steal the souls of the dead in order to recharge his own life. This ability makes it almost impossible to kill him. Since there is a death every 2.2 seconds in the world, Sadistic has a nearly unlimited supply of souls to absorb. Sadistic is “the joker” with immortality. In many instances, he will kill himself and others in the immediate area just to get “away”. Sadistic is going on a rampage killing the “powered” heroes. Can he be stopped before all of the heroes are gone? Stay tuned! Evil has a new name and it is one that can not be stopped! He is out to destroy all
Issue #o
* Superhero
About Book
Page Count: 33 Pages
Digital Release Date: January 13 2016
Age Rating: 12+ Only