PopCultHQ received a review copy of the original graphic novel (OGN) QUENTIN BY TARANTINO from Titan Comics. Available in bookstores on February 13th and in comic book shops on February 14th, the hardcover collection features writing & illustrations by Amazing Améziane, and letters from Lauren Bowes.

Here’s PopCultHQ’s spoiler-free review of…


Written by Amazing Améziane
Illustrations by Amazing Améziane
Lettered by Lauren Bowes
Translated by Christopher Bradley

Format: Graphic Novel
SC, FC, 240pp, $24.99 (SRP)

On sale: February 13, 2024

Take a dive into the brain of master auteur, Quentin Tarantino, writer and director of multiple award-winning films such as Pulp Fiction and Kill Bill.

In a first-person account, Amazing Améziane leads us through the life story of this iconic auteur, from his humble beginnings as a video shop clerk, to his rise through iconic indie blockbusters, all the way to global superstar. Discover the influences, opinions, and history of one of the world’s most acclaimed filmmakers, unmistakable in his style and talent.



Original graphic novels are a fun aspect of being a comics reader. They expose audiences to fresh talent and unique stories that differ from even the more unusual genres. However, works focusing on the life and influence of living famous figures are few and far between. This OGN about the life of acclaimed director Quentin Tarantino is a real treat if you are a movie buff. It doesn’t matter if you are a comic lover or a Tarantino fanatic; Amazing Améziane has hit a home run here.

Writing: Amazing’s script is fantastic. And considering the focus of the book, that is saying something. While it does follow a straightforward narrative, from QT’s childhood up to Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, there is a big question mark over the future… but that makes the whole story fun to read. While film freaks know where Quentin is, the chance to revisit this maestro’s life story is a wild ride. Plus, there are a lot of juicy points where the dialogue is concerned, so said ride gets even more epic.

Illustrations (Art & Colors): The book’s art and colors were different from anything I’ve seen before. While the artwork consisted of various styles (in keeping with the theme of Tarantino’s life and work over the years), it did not detract from the flow in any way. This made it all the more engaging. The same can be said for the color choices, too. At times, the selection gave the page something of a grainy quality, like one is looking through the lens of an old-school 8mm camera. It’s jolly good stuff through and through.

Letters: Lauren Bowes, who also worked on Inside the Mind of Sherlock Holmes, undertook the lettering. As with Holmes, she did a marvelous job of breathing life into the dialogue with her work. While I’ve only seen a handful of interviews with QT over the years, I could definitely hear his voice emanating from the pages. That kind of skill is unique and possible thanks to Lauren’s contribution.

Overall Assessment:

In the world of comics and graphic novels, it is not unusual to see works of an autobiographical nature. Telling the stories of famous individuals who have profoundly put their mark on history. But this is the first time I can genuinely say I’ve picked an OGN about a person still alive. Not only alive, but still active in their chosen profession. If you are a fan of Tarantino and his work, this will be a delightful read and one that is worth diving back into again and again.

PopCultHQ’s Rating:

5 out of 5 Stars

About Titan Comics:

Titan Comics offers astounding creator-owned comics and graphic novels from new and world-renowned talent, alongside the world’s greatest licensed properties and classic graphic novels remastered for brand-new audiences.  Titan is one of the most successful independent publishing operations in the US, with a recent six-week run at #1 in the New York Times bestseller list.

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