PopCultHQ received a review copy from BOOM! Studios for their trade paperback release for ONCE UPON A TIME AT THE END OF THE WORLD Vol. 1.

New York Times bestselling, Eisner and Harvey Award-winning writer Jason Aaron (Thor, The Avengers, Southern Bastards) launches his most ambitious original series to-date with three distinct artistic partners – Eisner Award-winning artist Alexandre Tefenkgi (The Good Asian), acclaimed artists Leila Del Duca (Wonder Woman: Tempest Tossed, Sleepless), and Nick Dragotta (East of West, Ghost Cage) – to take on a vision of the end of the world that’s brutal and nostalgic, whimsical and grounded… and ultimately, timeless.

Here’s PopCultHQ’s spoiler-free review of…


Writing by Jason Aaron
Art by Alexandre Tefenkgi
Colors by Lee Loughridge
Letters by AndWorld Design

Flash-Forward Sequences
Art by Nick Dragotta
Colors by Rico Renzi

Cover Art by Mike del Mundo

Collects Once Upon A Time At The End Of The World #1-5.

“Love in the Wasteland” kicks off the first arc of this epic trilogy that spans a lifetime as the dark mysteries of a ruined world and their own stark differences tear at the threads holding Mezzy and Maceo together. As they endure the horrors of plastic tornadoes and frozen sludge, Maceo proves to be more than just a burden, and they make an unlikely connection. But to their peril… they might not be as alone as they thought…

PopCultHQ’s Comic Book Review:

Outside the confines of traditional superhero comics, stories about the end of the world usually fall into the middle of the road or are just plain awful. Mainly because the creative teams decided to go hard on the horrors of the apocalypse or lean into the goofy humor angle. What is presented here is a story that sacrifices nothing and gives the readers everything. One of the genuinely standout things people will love is the depth of development the characters and world have, which sets things up for future installments.

Writing: Jason Aaron is one of those names spoken in reverence and awe in the realm of comic book writing. He has penned books and runs that have left people either in love with what he does or divided. Regardless of that outcome, Jason knows comics and how to write stuff that gets people thinking. Once Upon a Time… Vol. 1 is one of those comics that, on the surface level, is an homage to the sort of apocalyptic, end-of-the-world plots that one finds in movies like Mad Max or Waterworld. In fact, one could hear those iconic soundtracks when reading this TPB, and combining that mental orchestration with Jason’s script and its rich characters/worldbuilding will have someone waiting to enter their very own Thunderdome by the end of the book.


Art: Both Alexandre and Nick knock it out of the park with their artwork. Alexandre’s art style has a more kid-friendly, almost cartoon-like quality, which plays well with the main story and especially with any pages where Maceo is doing the mad genius thing and making like Tony Stark in the first Iron Man movie. Nick’s artwork is way more grim and gritty and fits with the intense, even more evident, Mad Max nature of the flashforwards. Both of them, respectively, have excellent linework and detailing that brings Jason’s script to epic life.

Colors: Lee’s color palette for the book is an exciting mix of bright hues with a somewhat muted quality. As if somehow the nightmare world of the wasteland has drained more than just life from the world, but also some of the color. What is astonishing is that even with the drabness of the setting, the colors do not take away from the book’s energy. If anything, they bring a little extra spark to things, mainly when an action sequence or a great layout fills in the gaps the script does not. 

Letters: The lettering by AndWorld Design is stupendous here. One of the examples of how great it is can be seen in the narration. AndWorld Design goes beyond typical narration boxes filled with exposition to move the plot along. They do it in a handwritten journal or book style, chronicling the adventures of Mezzy and Maceo as they traverse the wasteland. Any lettering team that kicks things up on that level is worthy of praise and adulation.

Overall Assessment:

Look no further than Once Upon a Time at the End of the World for a tale that will provide a break from the usual world of high-flying superhero action. This superb creative team’s terrific script, art, colors, and letters will keep readers in their seats. Mezzy and Maceo are two characters that are more than mere cardboard figures that only serve to move the story along. They feel as real as anyone else, and audiences will connect with them deeply thanks to this TPB. So do not delay; grab a copy, and get set for adventure today!

PopCultHQ’s Rating:

5 out of 5 Stars

About BOOM! Studios:

BOOM! Studios was founded by Ross Richie in 2005 with the singular focus of creating world-class comic book and graphic novel storytelling for all audiences. Through the development of four distinct imprints—BOOM! Studios, BOOM! Box, KaBOOM!, and Archaia—BOOM! has produced award-winning original work, including LumberjanesThe WoodsGiant DaysKlaus, and Mouse Guard, while also breaking new ground with established licenses such as WWE, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Cartoon Network, and The Jim Henson Company properties. BOOM! will also bring their original series to life through unique first-look relationships with 20th Century Fox for film and with 20th Television for the small screen. Please visit www.boom-studios.com for more information.