[Preview] IDW’s 2/1 Release: BREATH OF SHADOWS #1

On Wednesday, February 1st, IDW Publishing is releasing the debut issue of BREATH OF SHADOWS!

A new expedition into the heart of horror from Rich Douek and Alex Cormack, the team behind Road of Bones and Sea of Sorrows!

Here’s a look at the covers, the storyline, and preview pages for this week’s new release from IDW Publishing on New Comic Book Day! #NCBD


New Release for the week of February 1st, 2023




Story by Rich Douek
Art by Alex Cormack
Letters by Justin Birch

Cover Artists:
Cover A by Alex Cormack
Cover B by Bjorn Barends
Retailer Incentive Cover by Francesco Francavilla

It’s the mid-1960s, and Jimmy Meadows should be on top of the world. His band’s most recent album just went gold, and they’re riding a wave to international fame. But Jimmy is driven by only one thing: where to get his next fix. With his band at the end of their ropes and his life falling apart, Jimmy thinks he may be finished, until a friend tells him about a controversial method deep in the jungles of South America that can help him kick his addiction for good. But is clean living actually in Jimmy’s future, or will he instead unleash horrors beyond his wildest nightmares?


Publisher – IDW Publishing

About IDW: IDW (NYSE AMERICAN: IDW) is a leading media company providing uniquely compelling stories and characters in various genres for global audiences across all entertainment platforms. The award-winning IDW Publishing and IDW Entertainment divisions holistically evaluate and acquire IP for franchise development across comics and graphic novels, television, theatrical, games, merchandise, and other entertainment platforms, in addition to bringing world-renowned storytelling to life with our creative partners.