This Wednesday, Action Lab Entertainment‘s Danger Zone imprint is releasing the fourth issue of SWEET HEART!
Being hunted is an everyday risk in Ellicott City and the town itself is designed to make life comfortable for its citizens while being actively stalked by the eerie, insatiable creatures that live among them. But when Ben is chosen by one of the creatures near his home, his mother struggles to cope with the certainty of her son’s death.
Here’s a look at the cover, storyline and preview pages for this week’s
new release from Action Lab: Danger Zone on New Comic Book Day…
New Release for the week of August 26th, 2020
Writer: Dillon Gilbertson
Artist: Francesco Iaquinta
Colorist: Marco Pagnotta
Letterer: Saida Temofonte
Cover Artist: Francesco Iaquinta w/ Marco Pagnotta
26 pgs./ M / FC
SRP: $3.99
Maddie gets wrapped up in a risky plan to save a child’s life. Is it worth the price? Or is it destined to fail?
What people are saying about Sweet Heart:
“Sweet Heart is incredibly atmospheric and it cleverly depicts what
it’s like for a person to just live with something for their entire life.”
(Biff Bam Pop!)
“There is plenty to appreciate here, especially the handling of the mother/son
relationship, which creates a reason to care what happens to these characters.”
(Pop Culture Podium)
“An adult fairy-tale, one of the only genuinely scary
horror comics I’ve read, this is a must read for horror fans.”