PortConMaine 2024 Cosplay Photos

PortConMaine 2024 feature

PortConMaine 2024 once again delivered an exceptional gathering for fans of anime, gaming, and all things geek culture. This is Maine’s first, longest-running, and largest convention. PortConMaine has become a staple event for enthusiasts looking to celebrate their passions in a welcoming and energetic environment. This annual four-day event offers a rich and diverse experience that caters to a wide range of interests.

PortConMaine Banner

Every year they bring in a variety of authors, panelists, cosplay celebrities, voice actors, actors, and game designers. Attendees had the opportunity to meet Guest of Honor Mallorie Rodak, Kelsey Cruz, and Jordan Dash Cruz. Featured artists included Karina Gaz, Maarta Laiho, and Allie Malott. there was also performances by Andrew Silver and musical acts like Teddy Bear Idols and GaRuPoweR!!

Rate the Con

Our new thing for 2024 is to ask our readers to take a poll on some basic components of the con. We want to know how you rate the parking, the vendors and the food. The poll closes after 30 days and we will use this as a baseline for next years convention. We plan to keep a rating system set up for many of the conventions.


How Was the Food?
(Availability, Cost and Variety in the area)


How Were the Vendors?
(Variety and Quality)


How Was the Parking?
(Availability, Ease, and Cost)

We realize that these don’t apply to all conventions, so if they don’t apply to your con, give them a 5 star.

**Later additions to the rating systems will include things such as guests and ticket prices**

Cosplayers had a blast at the event with several cosplay focused events including the improv-based Cosplay Whose Line Is It Anyway? and the humorous Cosplay Shark Tank. Attendees enjoyed the Inter-Fandom State Alchemist Exam, the lively Cosplay Lip-Sync Battle, and the mystery-solving Cosplay Who-Dun-It?. The Cosplay Dating Game After Dark (18+) and Cosplay Dance Battle added to the fun, while the Cosplay Masquerade showcased impressive costumes. The Cosplay Dating Game provided witty entertainment, and the intense Cosplay Death Match had the crowd cheering for their favorites. The Children’s Cosplay Contest offered a friendly stage for young cosplayers to shine. These events celebrated creativity and community, making the convention a memorable experience for all.

Cosplay photos are provided by a neutral third party with no opinions given on the event. Cosplay photos are provided to highlight the skills and enthusiasm of the photographer and cosplayers. All opinions and facts in the article are by the author.

This year Joseph Iacono was an attendee and they were nice enough to let us use their photos.

As always, if you make a comment on this page we will tag the photos.

To see what Cosplay Conventions are coming to your area,
be sure to check out our Cosplay Convention List!

Cosplay Convention List 2023

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