Written by: Jarry
Translated By: Christina Cox-De Ravel
Art by: Gianluca Maconi
Colored by: Saito
Set against the backdrop of a shared world, five creative teams explore differing aspects of this Fantasy universe. Each pairing – writer and illustrator – bring their own vision of the world to life, while all five stories together paint a vivid image of this unique setting.
Elves: The Crystal of the Blue Elves

Elves: The Honor of the Sylvan Elves

- Written by: Jarry
- Translated By: Christina Cox-De Ravel
- Art by: Gianluca Maconi
- Colored by: Saito
Eysine, City-State of the East, has always observed respect for the ancient laws between Elf and Man. And yet, when a powerful army of Ork mercenaries lay siege to the kingdom, Llali, the daughter of the King of the city, decides to remind the Elves of the treaty that previously linked their two peoples.This tale is that of two races who have forgotten their shared past. It is also that of an Elf and a Human who carry with them the power to reawaken this bond.
Review: Elves reminds me of the days when CrossGen was on the stands with tales of fantasy and adventure, creating new original characters in extremely rich environments. And when I speak of rich environments I just cannot tell you how rich this book looks and feels unless your reading it on digital mode. This comic is GORGEOUS! There was not a single time the panels didn’t just flow perfectly with the fantastic art and storytelling. After seeing the full panel layout on the two page spread below goes to show how masterfully crafted this comic was thought out by its creative team. Knowing this series will be different in each issue will be the long haul test if this series will sustain a great story. For the fantasy fan this book is defiantly for you. If you’re looking for a breathtaking new story to read and be embraced in fantastic artwork, then Elves is the comic for you to try out!
What a fantastic story! Too bad this first arc was condensed into just two quick issues. Fans of fantasy are well aware of the criteria needed for the run-of-the-mill fantasy story. Toss in some humans, elves, orks and magic stir them all into a high tension setting to watch them kill each other over some relic. Well not to say that Elves doesn’t also use those same ingredients, but writer – and artist – take us on such an unexpected journey so enriched with such beautifully vivid artwork it’s mesmerizing. The factions of elves and man are trust into a war with each other but an unlikely duo of a man and elf warrior woman must hurry to find out who or what is behind it all. With the help of the intelligent orks and their necromancer, the duo discover secrets long forgotten. Though it may be too late to stop the war from escalating.
PopcultHQ Rating: 4.5 out of 5 Baguettes
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