PopCultHQ Review: AGP – BROKEN MOON #4 Preview Pages + Trailer!





Writer: Steve Niles

Artist: Nat Jones

PopCultHQ Review: The monster-filled conclusion of the first volume of BROKEN MOON comes to a dramatic end with issue 4 by Steve Niles and Nat Jones

What an awesome way to end this great mini-series, in what I really hope ends up becoming an ongoing or multiple series tale. Broken Moon issue #4 gives us one final bloody mess of a creature free-for-all send off, as the first battle in the war of the monsters from legends past, comes to a fascinatingly gratifying finale.

As we must contend with the mad Doctor Frankenstein, who is going even deeper into the realms of insanity, as he just can’t help himself experimenting on even his own house guests and potential war ally? Just hacks them up into pieces, in order to create another creature out of an already frightening monster. In what I can only describe as one of the most brilliant monster creations we’ve seen, one that even I hadn’t ever thought about. Check out what the good Dr. creates in this issue, as the battle reaches some really bizarre shores with a twist ending.

A final piece to the magnificent series that Broken Moon has become from American Gothic Press. A horror fans must read book, that will only leave you disappointed there is not another issues coming out right away. We need more Niles and Jones monster-mash!

PopCultHQ Rating:

PopCultHQ 4.5 out of 5 stars
*** PopCultHQ 4.5 out of 5 stars ***



Official American Gothic Press trailer


Variant Cover


Official Synopsis:

With so much action, awesome fights, and unexpected twists, prepare to have your mind blown with this fourth issue! BROKEN MOON #4

It’s come down to this: an all-out attack on the vampires’ city stronghold, with the fate of the planet hanging in the balance. But will Frankenstein’s army be enough for the humans and werewolves to tip the scales in their favor? And how will they stop the vampires’ ocean pollution from toxifying the air itself? Don’t miss the epic finale to the horror series critics are raving about!

Preview pages:


Available to purchase on CaptainCo, Amazon, Comixology, and comic shops everywhere Wednesday, January 13th, 2016.

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