Ximphonic Versus: Fabula Cristallum Thronus.
PopCultHQ Review: We have been very fortunate to get a special exclusive sneak peek at Ximphonic Versus, thanks to Ximphonic Versus‘ phenom artist Xing Xin. What a privilege it was to get a glimpse of what fans will be blown away by when this jaw-dropping fantasy tale coming to television.
Ximphonic Versus: Fabula Cristallum Thronus, the upcoming Thrilling Fantasy comic book series, has been acquired for Worldwide Distribution by US based GGG, LLC as an Animated TV series. Xing Xin, will be one of the show’s Executive Producers. All this before even being published!
Ximphonic Versus was originally going to be published by another independent comic book company, scheduled for a release during this Summer/Fall. We will have exciting news on a new publisher about to be announced very soon, promises creator Xing Xin.
“The release date has not been set yet, but the prelude will be coming soon. As well news on how the series will be published.” – Xing Xin
What PopCultHQ can say so far about Ximphonic Versus preview, is that it will be a grand-epic of its own hyper-fantasy, sci-fi design. While I would like to compare this to something….I just can’t. There is nothing in my 30 years of reading comic books and strolling the comic con floors has shown me anything like Xing’s artwork in a comic. I’ve only seen artwork like this in highly glossed CG fantasy art posters you would find sold for high dollars. Those posters can take months to create even with the amounts of computer graphics used to enhance eye-popping artwork. No CG was used drawing Ximphonic Versus! Each panel you will see is dripping in artistic richness, with so much to look at and admire. I go back looking at the stunning cover, or any of the art-pop goodness you get from each panel and I swear I notice something different every time. Pure eye-candy for the soul, that is the only way I can find to describe the look of this amazing comic.
Issue Cover (sample)
We have yet to even divulge much into the epic behind Ximphonic Versus: Fabula Cristallum Thronus. A tale that reaches far beyond the lands of realism and even fantasy itself. There is majestic castles with towering statues at the gates, there is hot looking cars led by a steed of mystical horses (horsepower, HA, I see what they did there!). When you have such imagination, such visuals and each character so unique looking with legends to their own name. You gather all that and have them battle over the different realms of the kingdoms that are found in this new and fascinating world, it becomes enthralling!
While I want to compare what I’ve seen so far with epics like the The Never Ending Story, the legends of Narnia or even Final Fantasy – mashed together with some bits of Japanese sci-fi fantasy manga. But what you see from Ximphonic Versus is going to gets lots of attention, for the ground-breaking splash it will make on the independent comic world. This is one to be very excited for; just check out the trailer provided below, it’s hard not to be sucked into this wondrous looking new series.
PopCultHQ Rating:

PopCultHQ interview with artist Xing Xin
PopCultHQ: I would assume you used CG for top layer coloring?
Xing Xin: “Actually no CG, we have found a way to do things with Photoshop only. I hand draw everything you see in the book. Every page and panel are drawn in the style you see.”
PopCultHQ: That is outstanding! Great work.
PopCultHQ: What would you like to tell the fans about your book?
Xing Xin: “The fable will touch on realistic tones but set in a very stunning Fantasy backdrop. The characters development is a main focal point. As their lives are plagued by the everyday things we all know and understand. The complexity of the story comes from their relationships and personal lives. It also touches upon how they deal with situations pertaining to love, heartbreak, forgiveness and evil. Human emotions set in a fantasy world. Apart from the story, the highlight of the series is the stunning art on every page and panel with action that transcends what is out today. An amazing soundtrack is being composed for each volume of this series by famed Michael Roberts. Readers will also have access to Royal lineage charts, different languages and much more.
When you’re doing something new it takes time. Essentially what I’m trying to achieve with comic books and graphic novels. It is what Testsuya Nomura has achieved with (The Upcoming) Final Fantasy XV in terms of quality”
Official synopsis:
“The story takes place in a modern and noble world. Where all but two of the world’s countries are under dominion of the Countith’alyian Dynasty. Addonnis Neos Latrunculus, heir to the Lucem-Duodecim throne—having gained magical power from Vero a deity of-Death and Beauty during his near death experience at his birth. He meets Lunafryst Soir-Florentissima a princess from the Glass Kingdom who shares a similar power to his, as they both see “Celestial Light.” And they are struggling to survive after a series of devastating attacks upon their lands and Kingdoms. And a hectic order has taken Addonnis rightful throne”
Official trailer:
XV: Fabula Cristallum Thronus Coming 2016 from Broken Heart Productions: Somnia Eorum
Broken Heart Productions Creative Team:
Xing Xin – Creator, writer, penciler, inker, colorist, Art Director & Lead Designer of all characters, landscapes, weapons, textures and light renders/digital colors
Endro Yuwono – Lead Colorist
Kevin Combs – Second Lead Colorist
Dennis Mundt – 3D Logos
Nicko Zuriaga – Matte Painter/3D Backgrounds
Taylor Esposito – Professional Letter
XV: Fabula Cristallum Thronus Coming 2016 from Broken Heart Productions: Somnia Eorum