I am a B-movie fan, so when I came across this hard sell at C2E2 this year, I had to check it out;
MAN VS. ROCK is not the comic you think it is….
It’s Evil Dead, Indiana Jones and Killer Tomatoes all rolled into one raunchy joint… This comic is B-movie gold in artistic book form.
This book slaughters societal niceties as it builds up the story and develops our main conflict.
This over-the-top comic is fast-paced and carries a low-brow humor that is definitely for mature audiences. It is the perfect combination of comedy in all its forms and it’s not done just to shock the audience, it carries through with the storyline.
This insane creation is the twisted love-child of Kevin Bieber and Victor DeTroy with artwork by Jared Lamp.
I suggest you start right at Volume 1 of MAN VS. ROCK which gives you the build up and the origin story of humanity’s oldest feud. No Wonder Rocks hate us! Now the question is…which side are you on?
PopCultHQ’s Rating:
4 out of 5 Stars
Check out the official Trailer, then go get yourself a copy;