PopCultHQ Comic Book Review – “Finding Molly” #1 From EMET Comics

Molly Banner

EMET Comics, an indie publisher created to inspire and empower female artists and creators, has some exciting and original stories coming out.  Whether in digital or print, PopCultHQ will be giving our reviews to support this great company and its contributors.

First up we have “Finding Molly: An Adventure in Catsitting.”  I didn’t know what to expect prior to reading this premiere issue, but was more than pleasantly surprised with the material.  Creator/writer Justine Prado, an art school grad and cat lover, appears to have drawn parallels to her life.

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The story of a struggling art grad, forced to live at home with her parents and their favorite feline Pishi, still searching to find her own in a difficult industry with which to break in.  Her dreams and aspirations excite her, but her present situation keeps her grounded and aware of the uphill battle needed to make it big.  Seeing the success and lifestyles by her close artist friends, though, makes her yearn for that reality.  Before reaching her goals of making it big as an artist, Molly learns that the road to success will often take you on detours you hadn’t predicted.  She succumbs to catsitting for a couple of people simply to make ends meet. Plus these homeowners want their cats immortalized by her sketching them and posting them on her blog for the world to see.


Molly 2It’s not the path our titular character intended, but there appears to be some acceptance, although slightly reluctant, and she recognizes that this may be her stepping stone to something greater.  Writer Prado does an exceptional job at producing a good backstory, strong character development, and delivering a story which contains aspects of everyday life to which practically any reader can relate.  From being a cat owner, to living with your parents longer than you’d like, to taking jobs that you don’t necessarily like, to have big dreams yet harsh realities, the story within will give readers empathy as parts, or all, of the story speaks to them.

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Artist Jenn St-Onge adds an impressionable mark to the issue.  Her characters and background truly accentuate what the writer is trying to convey.  The drawn facial reactions personify real world responses.  Both St-Onge and Prado obviously are a team in sync with one another.  If the writing and artwork continues at the rate of this first issue, the duo could see Finding Molly blossom into a lengthy, well-loved series.

There isn’t anything I didn’t enjoy about this book.  A quirky lead character, fun supporting cast, crisp artwork, relatable story, and cats!  PopCultHQ’s review rating for Finding Molly: An Adventure In Catsitting is…

PopCultHQ 5 out of 5 stars
*** PopCultHQ 5 out of 5 stars ***

Here’s the official summary from EMET Comics for Finding Molly:

Finding Molly is the story of recent art school grad MOLLY, currently living at home with her parents, and trying to resurrect her dreams of becoming a true artist. Her friends live in Downtown LA in the up and coming Arts District, sharing cool lofts in the same funky, old building. Molly is desperate to live there, but is having a hard time catching up. As they are building their own lives as artists, she’s stuck living in her family’s suburban home. She lacks inspiration, and Molly is worried she has lost her artistic voice. The only creative endeavors she’s mastered recently are technically perfect sketches of her mother’s cantankerous cat. But these sketches lead to an opportunity to cat-sit in the city for a wealthy family. This window to freedom excites Molly, and soon enough she begins to find success… as a cat sitter. But that’s just the start of Molly’s journey, and these pain-in-the-ass, furry monsters become her muses in the oddest of ways.

You can purchase the digital or print copy of issue #1 from EMET Comics on Shopify.


Be sure to follow…

EMET Comics:

  • Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/emetcomics
  • Twitter: @EmetComics
  • Instagram: emet_comics
  • Tumblr: emetcomics.tumblr.com
  • Website: https://www.emetcomics.com/

Justine Prado:

  • Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/justine.prado
  • Twitter: @BayAreaBirdy

Jenn St-Onge:

  • Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jem.stonge.7
  • Twitter: @princess_jem4
  • Instagram: princess_jem4
  • Website: https://www.jennstonge.ca/