PopCultHQ Comic Book Review – C.H.E.S.S. #1 from Insane Comics

PopCultHQ received a preview copy of C.H.E.S.S. #1 from Insane Comics. Available for purchase now, the creative team for this new series features writing from Alfred Paige and Michael Hardwick, artist Luis Ruben Rivera Nunez, and colorist Berny Julianto.

Here is PopCultHQ’s spoiler-free review of C.H.E.S.S.#1


PopCultHQ’s Comic Book ReviewC.H.E.S.S. #1

C2On the way back from a mission, the members of Chess Strike Team encounter an epic battle going on in the city between an invasion of robots and a superhero team better known as The Guild. Seeing The Guild losing their advantage, the members of Chess decide to use their strategic expertise to help out. Joining into the battle. As the two teams worked together on an uneasy Alliance, they stop the invasion and save the city.

C.H.E.S.S. – The Command Headquarters of Espionage and Strategic Strikes. 

C3Strong and compelling storyline + incredible artwork + keep the reader engaged and excited = successful title. The creative team on C.H.E.S.S. #1 has that equation down pat. From the very first page you are immersed into some intense action and the pace never slows through the entire book. Sure there was a bit of a power struggle between the two teams, but you know as they say, “The enemy of my enemy is my friend.”

This issue was masterfully written, especially for a debut issue, by the writing team of Alfred Paige and Michael Hardwick. The duo appear to have a grand vision on how they want this story told. For their premiere outing, they nailed it. They set a pretty high bar for themselves, but I get the sense we’ve only scratched the surface with what they have in store.

C4The artwork Nunez delivered gave the issue the feeling of a true superhero team that won’t hold back. No sissies or drama. The cover instantly brought me back a handful of years as it reminded me something out of the Blackest Night event. Nicely done all around.

Big shout-out to Berny JuliantoI think this is the first time I have selected a colorist as the standout performer of a comic. Now don’t get me wrong. As you read above, I give much props to this creative team, individually and collectively. But panel after panel, the colors pop, the images are vivid, and really bring the entire piece of work together.

As a whole, the creative group for C.H.E.S.S. #1 has the right chemistry as a team and together put forth a true powerhouse of a new series. A G.I. Joe meets Avengers: Age of Ultron, with a taste of various superhero groups in all of comic book history. If you want action, superheroes, impressive art, and a strong story (which will likely build as Paige and Hardwick delve deeper into the development of each character), then pick up C.H.E.S.S. #1. Right now. Seriously. What are you waiting for?

PopCultHQ’s Rating: 5 out of 5 Stars


Insane Comics logo

Available Covers for C.H.E.S.S. #1:

CHESS cover

You can purchase C.H.E.S.S. #1 now at Insane Comics online store in print format or digital format.

Be sure to follow the creative team!

Writer Alfred Paige:

Writer Michael Hardwick:

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Artist Luis Ruben Rivera Nunez:

Colorist Berny Julianto: