PopCultHQ Comic Book Review: American Gothic Press – “Broken Moon” #3




Broken Moon #3

Broken Moon #3 (B) Written by Steve Niles Cover by Sanjulian
Broken Moon #3 (B)  Cover by Sanjulian

Written by: Steve Niles
Art by: Nat Jones
Edited by: Holly Interlandi
Published by: Philip Kim


Steve Niles and Nat Jones are cranking up the action in the third installment of their horror-filled four issue mini-series, “Broken Moon”. After man has destroyed the moon and the creatures of the dark have taken over the world, the Vampires are the ones who build the first “civilization” for their own. Now it’s up to the few humans left and the Werewolf clan, out to seek the help of a certain Dr. Frankenstein. But the mad doctor has gone even more bonkers rebuilding his own body over the last few decades, so the monster Frankenstein himself must now become the voice of reason for his “Father”. Will Frankenstein be able to convince the mad doctor to help side against the Vampires in time before the they are finished with their plan of poisoning the world for their own survival? The chess pieces are being lined-up for the final issue and the inevitable epic battle that looms, for the Earth.

Monsters, blood, guts, mad scientist and an unexpected monster hero! Broken Moon is a gruesomely awesome series to be reading from AGP!!


Official Synopsis:
In dire need of an army, werewolves and humans searched for Frankenstein — and found him… in a city alongside scores of other patchwork people he’s sewn up along the way. But this mad, broken doctor is only interested in experimenting — quite possibly on Rantz’s and Avery’s friends — and it will take a dangerous journey to the Vampire City to convince him that the destruction of the world is at hand.

Broken Moon #3: AGP official trailer



Preview pages:

Genres: Horror, Science Fiction, Vampires, Werewolves

About Book

Page Count: 24 Pages
Digital Release Date: December 9 2015
Age Rating: 12+ Only
Sold by: Comic Shops, ComiXology

