October Horror Cult Classics: Nosferatu (1922)

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October is a spooky month, and nothing makes it better than sitting down with a classic horror movie. Join PopCultHQ.com as we journey through the archives and explore some fantastic old horror movies.

Nosferatu Poster

We are going to start off with a 1922 classic, Nosferatu. This German silent film was originally known as Nosferatu, eine Symphonie des Grauens (Nosferatu: A Symphony of Horror) and was directed by F. W. Murnau.

Max Schrek as Count Orlock

It starred Max Schreck as Count Orlok, a vampire on the hunt for new lodgings and a new wife. Unfortunately, the wife he desires is Ellen (Greta Schröder) the wife of Hutter (Gustav von Wangenheim), the gentlman helping Orlok find a home.


This was an unofficial adaptation of Bram Stoker’s 1897 Dracula novel. Several details were changed to avoid copyright issues, but Stoker’s heir still sued and won the copyright claim. All copies of the film were supposed to be destroyed, but obviously a few survived.

Now, sit back with your popcorn and enjoy this public domain movie:

This is a movie commonly thought to be a public domain movie and believed to not be owned or controlled by anyone. If this information is wrong, please contact popculthq.com immediately to have this video removed.

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