This Wednesday, July 17th, IDW Publishing is releasing STAR TREK #22!
Here’s a look at the covers, the storyline, and preview pages for this week’s new release from IDW Publishing on New Comic Book Day! #NCBD
PLEROMA – Part 4
Written by Collin Kelly & Jackson Lanzing
Art by Megan Levens
Colors by Lee Loughridge
Letters by Clayton Cowles
Group Editor: Heather Antos
Editorial Assistant: Cassandra Jones
Design & Production: Neil Uyetake
Covers & Cover Artists:
Cover A by Megan Levens
Cover B by Rod Reis
Cover C by J.J. Lendl (Stained Glass Connecting Variant)
The meeting of the gods at the Pleroma continues as Captain Sisko confronts his celestial mother in the very fabric of space and time! Why was he called home to help in the fight against Kahless, only to be forbidden from attempting to protect the universe from the brutal aftermath?
Meanwhile, Beverly Crusher boldly outmaneuvers the gods for an emotional reunion, and Ensign Lily Sato, torn between her best friend and feelings of disillusionment with Starfleet, contemplates a decision that could change everything with the push of a button…

About IDW Publishing:
IDW is a leading media company providing uniquely compelling stories and characters in various genres for global audiences across all entertainment platforms. The award-winning IDW Publishing and IDW Entertainment divisions holistically evaluate and acquire IP for franchise development across comics and graphic novels, television, theatrical, games, merchandise, and other entertainment platforms, in addition to bringing world-renowned storytelling to life with our creative partners.