New Comic Books Review: American Gothic Press – “Project Nemesis” #3




Project Nemesis #3

Written by: Jeremy Robinson
Art by: Matt Frank, Diego Rodriguez
Edited by: Holly Interlandi
Published by: Philip Kim

PopCultHQ Review:

Bring on the monster!! Project Nemesis has demolished a small town in Maine and is reaching closer and closer to the big city. Causing apocalyptic-level type damage as Nemesis brings a ticking doomsday button to the human race. Leaving nothing but devastation in its wake, no one is safe, there is nowhere to hide as Nemesis is growing larger in scale and nothing seems to be stopping it. What is Nemesis to begin with anyways? We find out more in this issue as a power-crazy General is leaving a murderous rampage as well, as he too is trying to find out what sort of blood is in his system now, blood that is giving him powers and driving him mad.

The team of Jeremy Robinson, Matt Frank and Diego Rodriguez are only getting better and better with each issue and I’m having a blast with emotionally charged characters and the intense fear of an unstoppable monster. Such a fun exhilarating read, I am now always eagerly awaiting each new issue!

Project Nemesis #3 Incentive Cover
Project Nemesis #3 Incentive Cover

AGP “Project Nemesis” #3 official trailer:

Official Synopsis:
Powerless to stop the physical growth of Nemesis, Hudson and Collins harness military firepower, emergency vehicles, and armored tanks to blockade the freeway route to Boston in a last-ditch effort to deter the monster. Meanwhile, General Gordon is on a mission of his own with help of his newfound powers and leaving a trail of dead men in his wake

Preview pages: 


* Science Fiction
* Action Adventure
* Monsters

About Book
Page Count: 24 Pages
Digital Release Date: December 30 2015
Age Rating: 12+ Only
Sold by: Comic Shops, ComiXology


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