[NCBD 7/5] Mad Cave Studios: UNDER THE INFLUENCE #1 (of 5)

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On Wednesday, July 5th, Mad Cave Studios is releasing the debut issue of UNDER THE INFLUENCE! While you’re getting prepped for the holiday weekend, grab a lawn chair and check out what’s coming next week from Mad Cave StudiosEliot Rahal‘s newest cyber-cult thriller, Under The Influence #1!

<Pre-Order/Purchase Directly from Mad Cave Studios>

Limited-edition Mad Cave Exclusive variant covers by Stefano Simeone (The Last Days of Black Hammer, Star Wars, Star Trek, Radiant Black, Megaman) and David Rubin (Rumble, Ether X-O Manowar: Unconquered, Black Hammer: The End) are only available at www.madcavestudios.com.

Under The Influence #1 hits shops and digital reader platforms on July 5th! 

Here’s a look at the covers, storyline and preview pages for Mad Cave Studios’ new release on New Comic Book Day…


New Release for the week of July 5th, 2023




Written by Eliot Rahal
Art by Stefano Simeone
Letters by Frank Cvetkovic

Cover Artists:
Cover A: Stefano Simeone
Cover B: Nicoletta Baldari (Lunar Distribution Exclusive Variant)
Cover C – Mad Cave Exclusive 1/100 Variant: David Rubin PURCHASE HERE!
Cover D – Mad Cave Exclusive 1/100 Variant: Stefano Simeone PURCHASE HERE!


A teenage sociopath, Paul Kozac, has accidentally created an internet cult called The Hot Dog Party. When a prank turns deadly, the F.B.I. sends in an undercover agent, Cara Cole, to investigate and infiltrate their ranks. Now Cara battles against real stakes, fake news, and memes in a character-driven story about power structures and the communities you build. This is a story about “Click to follow” cultism during the age of social media.

<Subscribe to the UNDER THE INFLUENCE series!>


Publisher – Mad Cave Studios

Driven by madness and committed to quality. Mad Cave Studios provides quality entertainment with a fresh take on an array of genres. From fantasy and action to sci-fi and horror, Mad Cave publishes stories that resonate with unapologetic and authentic audiences.


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