[NCBD 12/13] Mad Cave Studios: YOU’VE BEEN CANCELLED Vol. 1 TPB

On Wednesday, December 13th, Mad Cave Studios is releasing a trade paperback collecting the four-issue miniseries YOU’VE BEEN CANCELLED!

The Running Man and Squid Game meet the kinetic martial arts action of The Raid: Redemption in this fresh and ambitious graphic novel. In the near future, cancel culture means more than just losing your job…it could mean your life.

Here’s a look at the cover, storyline and preview pages for Mad Cave Studios’ new release on New Comic Book Day…


Written by Curt Pires 
Art by Kevin Castaniero 
Colors by Jason Wordie 
Letters by Micah Myers

Cover Art by Kevin Castaniero

Collects issues #1-4

CANCELLED is the world’s premier entertainment event – a live-streamed program where elite bounty hunters called “Cancellers” kill individuals who society has voted to “cancel” following heinous actions or offenses.

But CANCELLED is not just a form of violent entertainment. It’s one of the last forms of upward mobility for an increasingly oppressed lower / middle class. Want to escape the gig economy? Pay off your crushing student debt? Cover your sick parents’ medical bills? CANCELLED just might be your way out. But you’re going to have to get your hands dirty.

About Mad Cave Studios:

Driven by madness and committed to quality. Mad Cave Studios provides quality entertainment with a fresh take on an array of genres. From fantasy and action to sci-fi and horror, Mad Cave publishes stories that resonate with unapologetic and authentic audiences.