[NCBD 11/15] Mad Cave Studios: CRUSADER #3

On Wednesday, November 15th, Mad Cave Studios is releasing the penultimate issue of CRUSADER!

May those most righteous prevail. Coming this New Comic Book Day is the next-to-last issue of the creator-owned fantasy adventure series from Matt Emmons (THE COUNCIL OF FROGS, DAGGER DAGGER, GARDENER) and Andriy Lukin (LOWER YOUR SIGHTS, DOWN BELOW, DAGGER DAGGER), Crusader!

Follow the journey of the nameless Templar, Crusader, as he finds himself spirited away to the mythical Beastlands whilst following his holy quest. In these strange lands, he finds himself face to face with goblins, deathless ghouls, and the sinister Masters that strike fear into the hearts of its denizens. Can the Crusader make peace with himself, and with the inhabitants of this new realm, in order to make it back home?

Here’s a look at the cover, storyline and preview pages for Mad Cave Studios’ new release on New Comic Book Day…


New Release for the week of November 15th, 2023

CRUSADER #3 (of 4)

Written by Matt Emmons
Art/Colors by Matt Emmons
Letters by Andriy Lukin
Edited by James B. Emmett
Book Design by Diana Bermúdez

Cover Art by Matt Emmons

The Crusader and Grimbel take shelter in a run-down old mill town, but their privacy is short-lived when Meridian and her troupe of heroes, The Eighteen, arrive looking for them. As night falls, Pilgrim appears to confront The Crusader, however, The Eighteen stand in his way of capturing the Crusader for his Masters’ nefarious ends.

<Subscribe to the CRUSADER series!>


Writer/Illustrator, Matt Emmons
Matt Emmons is a cartoonist based in Philadelphia. Raised on a healthy diet of 80s monster movies, he now spends his time making comics about creatures and robots of his own.

Crusader has been a fun challenge! I’ve been trying to capture the feeling of a pulpy, fun adventure story that embodies everything I’ve loved about the genre, and I hope it translates. I’ve also been wanting to draw Pilgrim in action for years, so it’s very exciting to finally bring him to the page.” – Matt Emmons

Letterer, Andriy Lukin
Andriy Lukin is a comic book creator and graphic designer from Sumy, Ukraine. As a letterer, Andriy won Mad Cave Studios’ Talent Search 2022 and his works were published in a variety of books, including Lower Your Sights, Down Below & Dagger Dagger. He also specializes in creating logotypes, book design and cover art for comic books, music albums, tabletop games and other art forms.

Crusader is a fun, adventurous title that won’t leave fantasy fans disappointed. It’s a story of reevaluating your goals and principles, filled with awesome art, memorable characters and great action scenes! I’m very excited to help Matt Emmons with his artistic vision and I hope our readers will appreciate the work we put into this series!” – Andriy Lukin

Publisher – Mad Cave Studios

Driven by madness and committed to quality. Mad Cave Studios provides quality entertainment with a fresh take on an array of genres. From fantasy and action to sci-fi and horror, Mad Cave publishes stories that resonate with unapologetic and authentic audiences.
