[Manga] Seven Seas Announces License Acquisition of Boys’ Love Manga Series YES, NO, OR MAYBE?

Seven Seas Licenses YES, NO, OR MAYBE?
Boys’ Love Manga Series & Additional Light Novels

Seven Seas Entertainment has announced the license acquisition of the BL manga series Yes, No, or Maybe? by Michi Ichiho and Yukimura, an adaptation of the Boys’ Love light novel tale that inspired an anime movie. Additionally, after publishing the original light novel in English in 2020, Seven Seas will also publish the two follow-up novels in the series, by Michi Ichiho and Lala Takemiya: Center of the World and Where Home Is.

Kunieda Kei is the up-and-coming prince of the evening news. Inside, he’s the opposite: brash, hot-tempered, and prickly as can be. For years, Kei has successfully juggled his private and professional personas—until a chance meeting with stop-motion animator Tsuzuki Ushio threatens to bring it all crashing down. But is that really as frightening as the possibility that someone might love and accept both sides of who he is?

Yes, No, or Maybe? (Manga) Vol. 1 will be released for the first time in the English language in November 2024 for $14.99 USA / $18.99 CAN, with the series available in single large-trim editions as part of the Seven Seas BL label (Boys’ Love titles). Ebook editions will also be available on digital platforms.

Yes, No, or Maybe? (Light Novel 2) – Center of the World will be released for the first time in the English language in March 2024 for $15.99 USA / $19.99 CAN, with the book available in a single large-trim edition as part of Seven Seas’ Airship imprint. An ebook edition will also be available (early) on digital platforms.

Yes, No, or Maybe? (Light Novel 3) – Where Home Is will be released for the first time in the English language in June 2024 for $15.99 USA / $19.99 CAN, with the book available in a single large-trim edition as part of Seven Seas’ Airship imprint. An ebook edition will also be available (early) on digital platforms.

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Established in 2004, Seven Seas Entertainment is an award-winning publisher that specializes in bringing the best of Japanese manga and light novels to English language audiences alongside the hottest hand-picked books from around the globe, as well as producing original comics, graphic novels, and youth literature. All of Seven Seas’ book imprints are distributed throughout the world by Penguin Random House Publisher Services. For more information, visit sevenseasentertainment.com.