Katsucon 2024 Cosplay Photos

Katsucon 2024

Katsucon is an annual 3-day fan convention held in the D.C. metro area. This year the event ran from February 16-18th and was held at the Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center National Harbor, in Maryland. This is typically one of the biggest Anime cons on the East Coast.

Katsucon banner

Every year they bring in a variety of guests. This years guests included voice actors Erica Lindbeck and Chris Hackney, and model builders Basic Nerd and Snap Plastic Studios. The cosplay guest this year was VampyBitMe and the musical guest was XaaXaa out of Osaka, Japan.


Our new thing for 2024 is to ask our readers to take a poll on some basic components of the con. We want to know how you rate the parking, the vendors and the food. The poll closes after 30 days and we will use this as a baseline for next years convention. We hope to eventually have a rating system set up for many of the conventions.

Events at Katsucon are similar to most other Anime based conventions. They had a Masquerade, hallway cosplay contest, maid cafe, game room, video room, karaoke, and a dance. The formal ball is very popular, this is a chance to show off some very unique and fancy costumes. However, the music choices appeared to be lacking. Music is subjective, but a relative consensus is that people would have liked to hear more of the Anime music. This years event had a small artist alley and a weak panel offering.

The lack of informed staff was a big complaint, it seems that too many of the staff, didn’t know what was going on.

The comradery and the chance to hang with like minded individuals is always a big draw. The biggest thing is the chance to show off your favorite characters and the hard work you have put into them.

Cosplay photos are provided by a neutral third party with no opinions given on the event. Cosplay photos are provided to highlight the skills and enthusiasm of the photographer and cosplayers. All opinions and facts in the article are by the author.

Cosplay Photos

The cosplay was outstanding and seems that everyoen brought out their ‘A’ game for this con. Special thanks to Jeffrey Robinson for letting us use some of his photos.

As always, if you want to be tagged in a photo, leave a comment.

To see what Cosplay Conventions are coming to your area,
be sure to check out our Cosplay Convention List!

Cosplay Convention List 2023