[Interview] PopCultHQ Cosplay Spotlight: Kristie Good ~ Karmada Cosplay

Kristie Good, better known in the cosplay community as Karmada Cosplay, will be a featured cosplay guest at this year’s Grand Rapids Comic Con. Kristie has been creating cosplay for over 15 years and competing for over ten years, collecting various awards in competitions along the way. Her recent awards include Best in Show at Youmacon 2015 and Best Hall Friday Youmacon 2016!

The talented creator enjoys helping other cosplayers achieve their dreams, and likes to provide informational panels about construction and sewing and recently had the opportunity to author a book Epic Cosplay Costumes (a beginner’s guide to creating cosplay & sewing). She’s also been creating manga-styled artwork for over 20 years and loves drawing and reading comics!

PopCultHQ Cosplay Spotlight Interview:

Kristie Good ~ Karmada Cosplay


PopCultHQ: You’ve been cosplaying for over 15 years. What was it about cosplaying that initially drew your eye?

Kristie Good: I always loved the costumes I’d get to wear around Halloween, and loved dressing up for the local Renaissance Festivals, and when I found that I could combine those two AND dress up as my favorite anime characters, I was hooked forever!

PopCultHQ: What is your favorite cosplay?

Kristie: Oh goodness, that’s like asking me to pick a favorite child. BUT! I do have a few that are near and dear to my heart…

Red v Blue

Halo Armor – This is my fun and flashy outfit – it’s big, I get to wear a helmet (yay for not having to put on makeup that day), I get a speaker box, and I feel like a hero. I also get to wear this outfit in combination with my husband who also has a set (we go as Church and Tex from Red vs Blue), and it’s a lot of fun playing with the crowd.

Nora Valkyrie

Nora Valkyrie – This is my fun, easy to wear, outfit. It’s cute and I love having her giant hammer (It’s one of my favorite props).

FF XIV Weaver

Final Fantasy XIV Weaver – This is my “I feel fancy” outfit – it’s got so many little details and parts, I love walking the floor (it’s also surprisingly comfortable, only a little warm). Fun Fact: I have actually worn this one so much it ended up dying, and I’m in the process of making a new one.

PopCultHQ: You’re a featured cosplay guest at this year’s Grand Rapids Comic Con. What does your schedule look like for the con? Will you be hosting or a part of panels? Any set times for signings or photo shoots?

Kristie: I’ll be working a whole boatload of panels – as I love to teach, and it’s what I’m often known for at conventions. Some of them I’ll be doing with the other cosplay guests at the show, but there’s a few I’ll be doing on my own, highlighting topics I talk about in my book, Epic Cosplay Costumes.

Panels with other Guests:

  • Intro to Foam & Thermoplastics
  • Cosplay 101
  • Cosplay and Confidence
  • Cosplay Makeup

My Panels:

  • Found Item & Closet Cosplay
  • Intro to Cosplay Sewing
  • Schlepping Cosplay Like a Pro

As for other events, I’ll have a booth set up near the other cosplay guests where I’ll be inbetween the panels. I’ll have books for sale (and will be happy to sign copies!), along with some artwork, and I’ll always be open to chat with anybody who wants to talk about cosplay!


PopCultHQ: Have you decided who you’ll cosplay for Grand Rapids Comic Con yet?

Kristie: I know I plan on bringing my Halo Armor, and most likely Nora. My last day will probably be a Closet Cosplay day so I can wear something comfortable!

PopCultHQ: As an author of a book on creating cosplay & sewing, what tips or advice would you give people new to cosplaying that you’ve found essential?

Kristie: Break down your costume into pieces. You don’t have to make it all at once! Even the most complicated costumes can be separated into components, and then you can take those components and make it bit by bit.

My other biggest piece of advice is to JUST DO IT. So many get caught up on the fear it won’t be perfect or it won’t be this or that. But you’ll never get a costume if you don’t start it. We have tons of resources these days, from books like Epic Cosplay Costumes, to cosplay websites, facebook groups, general google searches – everybody’s posting tutorials and advice. Compared to years past, this is a treasure trove of information. So if you don’t know how to make something, chances are likely somebody else does AND made a tutorial or video about it!

PopCultHQ: If you had all resources at your disposal (costs, tools, material, etc.), what would your dream cosplay be?

Kristie: My dream cosplay will always change depending on what I’ve recently seen, or whatever I have the ultimate drive for – but if I had all the resources, tools, etc I’d be torn between making proper Halo 5 armor OR I’d love to make a puppetable/controllable Vath from Final Fantasy XIV (they’re little bug creatures with little stilt-like legs).


Special thanks to Kristie for taking the time to be interviewed. If you happen to be in or around Grand Rapids, Michigan during October 20th-22nd, be sure to look for Karmada Cosplay! If you are unable to make the event, you can see more pics of her cosplays by following her online.

Be sure to follow Karmada Cosplay online!


Be sure to follow Grand Rapids Comic Con online!
