Attention superheroes of the world! If you need your darkest secrets hidden, a sin buried, a story killed, or just need a witness to “disappear,” Marcus Greenberg has got you covered…for a price. He is The Consultant and he does the dirty work so you won’t have to worry about it.
THE CONSULTANT is a new monthly title coming to Action Lab Entertainment‘s Danger Zone imprint this December. According to writer Jason Sterr, the four-issue miniseries will show readers, “…their suspension of disbelief and tie it to the reality of just how truly awful someone with the powers of a god, and the ego to match, would act in this day and age.“
Writer: Jason Sterr
Artist: Daniel Mainé
Cover Artist: Simon Fraser
In Shops: Dec 06, 2017
32 pgs./ M / FC
SRP: $3.99
Marcus Greenberg has a very particular set of skills, as a former Navy S.E.A.L., he does the dirty work of our nation’s superheroes, keeping his clients out of the papers and off of death row. With the help of his assistant Russell, a reformed shape-shifting supervillain, Greenberg is the go-to-guy for making super-sins disappear. He is The Consultant.
PopCultHQ had the opportunity to chat with Jason Sterr & Daniel Mainé, the writer and artist, respectively, to discuss this unique foray into the superhero genre. So hear from the creators themselves about this exciting and intense new miniseries…THE CONSULTANT!
PopCultHQ’s Creator Spotlight:
Jason Sterr & Daniel Mainé of THE CONSULTANT

PopCultHQ: In your words, what can fans expect when they pick up an issue of THE CONSULTANT, either from an artistic standpoint or an overall package?
Daniel Mainé: Overall the grey personality of the characters, the bad or not fully bad or good characters are saints, that kind of story makes more human of heroes or villains. And overall that Greenberg is a badass you will hate and love at the same time. You will find cool characters, action scenes, and a lot of fun in The Consultant.
Special thanks to Jason and Daniel for taking the time to be interviewed by PopCultHQ. Be sure to pick up THE CONSULTANT when it arrives at online retailers and local comic shops on Wednesday, December 6th. And to stay up on the latest, be sure to follow the creative team online!
Writer – Jason Sterr
Artist – Daniel Mainé
Publisher – Action Lab: Danger Zone