From the Librarian’s Desk: Read Golden Age Comics for FREE



The Digital Comic Museum has a digital repository of over 15,000 Golden Age comics. These are all in the public domain, which means they are pre-1959.  This also means that you will not find and big name publishers such as Marvel, or D.C. You will find tons of rare, lesser-known titles and, oh, they’re free to look at! No matter what you’re interests are, there is something to please all comic readers.

The site requires users to register and login in to download files but it is free to register.

Here’s a summary of what you’ll find there:

Ace Comics-


All Love | All Romances | Andy Comics | Atomic War | Baffling Mysteries | Banner Comics | Beyond | Captain Courageous Comics |Challenge of the Unknown | Complete Love Magazine | Crime Must Pay the Penalty | Dotty | Ernie Comics | Four Favorites | Four Teeners | Fun Time | Glamorous Romances | Hand of Fate, The | Hap Hazard Comics | Heroes of the Wild Frontier | Indian Braves |Lightning Comics | Love at First Sight | Love Experiences | Men Against Crime | Monkeyshines Comics | Mr. Risk | Our Flag Comics| Penalty! | Real-Life Secrets | Real Love | Real Secrets | Revealing Romances | Science Comics | Scream Comics | Space Action |Super-Mystery Comics | Sure Fire Comics | Ten-Story Love | Trapped! | Vicky Comics | War Heroes | Web of Mystery | Western Adventures Comics | Western Love Trails | World War III



All True Romance | Apache Trail | Battle Report | Billy Bunny | Black Cobra | Brenda Starr | Bride’s Diary | Bride’s Secrets | Bruce Gentry | Bughouse | Captain Flight Comics | Captain Jet | Daffy Tunes Comics | Dark Shadows | Dear Heart | Eva the Imp |Fantastic | Fantastic Fears | Fighting Man, The | Flame, The | Frisky Animals on Parade | Frontier Trail | Full of Fun | Funny Fables |G-I in Battle | Great Exploits | Gunsmoke Trail | Happy Jack | Haunted Thrills | High Adventure | Hi-Ho Comics | Kiddie Kapers |Linda | Lone Eagle | Lone Rider | Lonely Heart | Madhouse | Men in Action | Midnight | Mighty Bear | Mighty Ghost | My Personal Problem (1955+1957 series)) | Oklahoma Kid | Phantom Lady | Rider, The | Rocketman | Samson | Secret Love | Spunky the Smiling Spook | Strange | Strange Fantasy | Strange Journey | Super Cat | Super Spook | Sweetie Pie | Swift Arrow | Swift Arrow’s Gunfighters | Terrific Comics/Wonder Boy | Today’s Brides | True Life Romances | Vooda | Voodoo | War Report | War Stories | Wild Western Roundup

American Comics Group/ACG


Adventures into the Unknown | Blazing West | Clutching Hand, The | Commander Battle and the Atomic Sub | Cookie | Dizzy Dames | Forbidden Worlds | Funnybone | Funny Films | Giggle Comics | Ha Ha Comics | Hi-Jinx | Hooded Horseman, The | Kilroys, The | Lovelorn / Confessions of the | Milt Gross Funnies | Moon Mullins | Operation Peril | Out of the Night | Romantic Adventures |Search for Love | Skeleton Hand | Soldiers of Fortune | Spencer Spook | Spy and Counterspy | Spy-Hunters | Teepee Tim | Young Heroes

Avon Comics


Boy Detectives | Captain Steve Savage v1 + 2 | Cow Puncher Comics | Eerie | Fighting Undersea Commandos | Gangsters and Gunmolls | Geronimo | Intimate Confessions | Jesse James | Kit Carson | Murderous Gangsters | Out of this World Adventures |Penny | Peter Rabbit v1 + 2 | Prison Break! | Realistic Romances | Romantic Love | Saint, The | Slave Girl | Space Detective |Space Mouse | Strange Worlds | US Paratroops | White Princess of the Jungle | Wild Bill Hickok | Witchcraft

Better/Nedor/Standard/Pines Publications 1939-1959


Adventures into Darkness | America’s Best Comics | Barnyard Comics | Best Romance | Billy West | Black Terror | Boots and Her Buddies | Broncho Bill | Buster Bunny | Captain Easy | Coo Coo Comics | Date with Danger | Dizzy Duck | Exciting Comics | Exciting War | Fantastic Worlds | Fighting Yank | Goofy Comics | Happy Comics | Happy Rabbit | Intimate Love | It Really Happened | Jet Fighters | Joe Yank | Jungle Jim | Leroy | Little Angel | Lost Worlds | Muggy-Doo, Boy Cat | Mystery Comics | New Romances | Out Of The Shadows | Ozark Ike | Popular Romance | Real Life Comics | Sniffy The Pup | Spunky | Starlet O’Hara | Startling Comics |Supermouse | This is War | Thrilling Comics | Thrilling Romances | Tim Tyler (non-PD) | Unseen, The | Wonder Comics

Canadian Comics


Anglo-American Pub Com Ltd. | Superior

Centaur Publishing


Amazing Man Comics | Amazing Mystery Funnies | Comics Magazine, The | Funny Pages | Funny Picture Stories | Keen Detective Funnies | Star Comics | Star Ranger | Stars and Stripes Comics

Charlton Comics


Atom the Cat | Atomic Mouse | Atomic Rabbit | Atomic Bunny | Attack v1 only | Badge of Justice | Battlefield Action | Billy the Kid |Black Fury | Blue Beetle | Bo | Brides in Love | Bulls-Eye | Captain Gallant | Charlie Chan | Cheyenne Kid | Cowboy Love | Cowboy Western | Crime And Justice | Danger | Danger and Adventure | Danny Blaze | Davy Crockett | Don Winslow of the Navy | Eh! |Fightin’ Air Force | Fightin’ Army | Fightin’ Marines | Fightin’ Navy | First Kiss | Foreign Intrigues | Foxhole | Freddy | From Here to Insanity | Frontier Scout: Dan’l Boone | Funny Animals | Gabby Hayes | Hillbilly Comics | Hot Rods and Racing Cars | I Love You |Jack-in-the-Box Comics | Jerry Drummer | Johnny Dynamite | Just Married | Kid Montana | Lash Larue Western | Lawbreakers |Lawbreakers Suspense Stories | Li’l Genius | Li’l Rascal Twins | Li’l Tomboy | Long John Silver and the Pirates | Love Diary | Masked Raider | Maverick Marshal | Monte Hale Western | Mr. Muscles | My Little Margie | My Little Margie’s Boyfriends | My Little Margie’s Fashions | My Secret Life | Mysteries of Unexplored Worlds | Nature Boy | Negro Romances | Never Again | Nyoka the Jungle Girl |Outer Space | Outlaws of the West | Out Of This World | Pictorial Love Stories | Police Trap | Public Defender in Action | Pudgy Pig |Racket Squad | Ramar of the Jungle | Range Busters | Robin Hood and His Merry Men | Rock and Rollo | Rocky Lane Western |Rocky Lane’s Black Jack | Romantic Secrets | Romantic Story | Rookie Cop | Scotland Yard | Secrets of Love and Marriage | Secrets of Young Brides | Sheriff of Tombstone | Six-Gun Heroes | Soldier and Marine Comics | Space Adventures | Space War | Space Western | Speed Demons | Strange Suspense Stories | Submarine Attack | Sunset Carson | Sweetheart Diary | Sweethearts |Tales of the Mysterious Traveler | Teen Confessions | Teen-Age Love | Terry and the Pirates | Texas Rangers in Action | Tex Ritter Western | Thing, The | This Is Suspense | This Magazine Is Crazy | This Magazine Is Haunted (1954) | This Magazine Is Haunted (1957) | Tim McCoy | Timmy the Timid Ghost | Tom Cat | True Life Secrets | TV Teens | U. S. Air Force Comics | Unusual Tales |War at Sea | Wild Bill Hickok | Wild Bill Hickok and Jingles | Wild Frontier | Wyatt Earp Frontier Marshal | Yellowjacket Comics |Young Eagle | Young Lovers | Zaza the Mystic | Zoo Funnies v1+2

Chesler Comics 


Dynamic Comics (v1+2) | Major Victory Comics | Punch Comics (v1+2) | Red Seal Comics (v1+2) | Scoop Comics (1941+44) |Spotlight Comics | Yankee Comics

Columbia Comics


Big Shot Comics/Big Shot | Mickey Finn | Skyman | Sparky Watts

Comic Media


All True Romance | Danger | Dear Lonely Heart | Dear Lonely Hearts | Death Valley | Dynamite not PD | Honeymoon Romance |Horrific/Terrific | Noodnik Comics | War Fury | Weird Terror

Cupples and Leon Co.


America’s Black and White Book (1917) c2c

Dell Comics


Animal Comics | Ben Bowie and His Mountain Men | Buck Jones | Charlie McCarthy | Christmas Books | Comics, The | Crackajack Funnies | Dell Four Color – Do NOT Upload | Dell Junior Treasury | Fairy Tale Parade | Flying A’s Range Rider | Funnies, The | Gene Autry Comics | Gene Autrys Champion | Henry Aldrich | Howdy Doody | Indian Chief | Jace Pearson | Johnny Mack Brown | Popped Wheat Giveaways | Popular Comics | Rex Allen | Smilin Jack | Smitty | Tom Corbett Space Cadet | War Comics/War Stories | War Heroes | Wild Bill Elliott | Winnie Winkle

D.S. Publishing


Exposed | Gangsters Can’t Win | Outlaws | Pay-Off | Public Enemies | Roundup | Underworld

Eastern Color Printing Company


Big Chief Wahoo | Buck Rogers | Buster Crabbe | Century of Comics | Club “16” | Daisy Comics | Dickie Dare | Famous Funnies |Famous Funnies- Carnival of Comics | Heroic Comics | Jingle Jangle Comics | Juke Box Comics | Mickey Finn | Movie Love | New Heroic Comics | Personal Love | Reg’lar Fellers Heroic Comics | Steve Roper | Sugar Bowl Comics | Tales From The Great Book

Fawcett Comics


America’s Greatest Comics | Animal Fair | Battle Stories | Beware Terror Tales | Bill Battle, One Man Army | Bill Boyd Western | Bob Colt | Bulletman | Capt. Billy’s Whiz Bang | Captain Marvel Adventures | Captain Marvel Jr. | Captain Midnight | Captain Video |Comics Comics | Cowboy Love | Don Winslow of the Navy | Down With Crime | Exciting Romances | Fawcett’s Funny Animals |Fawcett Movie Comic | Gabby Hayes Western | George Pal’s Puppetoons | Golden Arrow | Hopalong Cassidy | Hoppy the Marvel Bunny | Hot Rod Comics | Ibis, The Invincible | Lash LaRue Western | Life Story | Marvel Family | Mary Marvel Comics | Master Comics | Mighty Midget | Mike Barnett, Man Against Crime | Minute Man | Monte Hale Western | Motion Picture Comics | Nickel Comics | Nyoka The Jungle Girl | Real Western Hero/Western Hero | Rocky Lane Western | Rod Cameron Western | Romantic Secrets | Romantic Story | Six-Gun Heroes | Slam Bang Comics | Soldier Comics | Spy Smasher | Strange Stories from Another World | Strange Suspense Stories | Suspense Detective | Sweethearts | Sweetheart Diary | This Magazine is Haunted | True Sweetheart Secrets | Tom Mix Western | Tex Ritter Western | Underworld Crime | Whiz Comics | Worlds of Fear | Wow Comics |Young Eagle

Fiction House


Cowgirl Romances | Fight Comics | Firehair Comics | Ghost Comics | Indians | Jumbo Comics | Jungle Comics | Kaanga | Long Bow |Man O’Mars | Monster | Movie Comics | Planet Comics | Rangers Comics | Sheena, Queen of the Jungle | The Spirit | Wambi | War Birds | Wings Comics

Fox Feature Syndicate


All Top Comics | Big 3 | Blue Beetle, The | Bouncer, The | Colossal Features Magazine | Cosmo Cat | Crimes By Women | Dagar, Desert Hawk | Eagle, The | Famous Crimes | Fantastic Comics | Flame, The | Green Mask, The | I Loved | Jo-Jo | Judy Canova |Jungle Jo | Junior Comics | Martin Kane | Meet Corliss Archer | Murder Incorporated | My Experience | My Great Love | My Life True Stories In Pictures | My Love Affair | My Love Life | My Love Memoirs | My Love Secret | My Love Story | My Past Thrilling Confessions | My Secret Life | My Secret Story | My Story True Romances in Pictures | My True Love Thrilling Confession Stories |Mystery Men Comics | Nutty Life | Phantom Lady | Ribtickler | Rocket Kelly | Romeo Tubbs | Rulah, The Jungle Goddess | Samson |Science Comics (Fox) | Spectacular Feature, A | Sunny | V…-Comics | Weird Comics | Western Killers | Western Outlaws | Western Thrillers | Western True Crime | Women in Love | Women Outlaws | Wonder Comics | Wonderworld Comics | Wotalife Comics |Zago | Zegra | Zoot Comics | Fox Giants

Government Pamphlets


Navy History and Tradition | PS, The Preventive Mainteance Monthly

Harvey Comics


Alarming Tales | All-New Short Story / All-New | Babe Ruth Sports | Black Cat | Chamber of Chills | Champion/Champ Comics |Dotty Dripple | Fighting Fronts | First Love Illustrated | First Romance Magazine | Green Hornet Comics | Harvey Comics Hits |Harvey Hits | Hi-School Romance | Humphrey Comics | Invisible Scarlet O’Neil | Joe Palooka | Kerry Drake | Little Max Comics |Love Lessons | Love Problems and Advice Illustrated | Man In Black | Mazie | Nutty Comics | Pocket Comics | Race for the Moon |Rags Rabbit | Ripley’s Believe it or Not! | Speed Comics | Terry and the Pirates | Thrills of Tomorrow | Tomb of Terror | True War Experiences | War Battles | Warfront | Witches Tales | Witches Western Tales / Western Tales

Hillman Periodicals


Airboy Comics | Air Fighters Comics | Clue Comics | Crime Detective | Dead-Eye Western | Frogman Comics | Hot Rod and Speedway Comics | Miracle Comics | Mr. Anthony’s Love Clinic | Pirates Comics | Punch and Judy | Real Clue Crime Stories | Rocket Comics | Romantic Confessions | Victory Comics | Western Fighters

Holyoke Publishing


Blue Beetle | Captain Aero Comics | Captain Fearless Comics | Cat-Man Comics | Contact Comics | Crash Comics | Cyclone Comics |Foodini | Holyoke One-Shot | Power Comics | Sparkling Stars | Suspense Comics | Terrific Comics | Veri Best Sure Fire Comics | Veri Best Sure Shot Comics | Whirlwind Comics

I.W. Publishing


Dollman 17 (IW) -fixed

Key Publications


Action Adven / Real Adventure Comics | Battle Attack | Battle Cry | Battle Fire | Battle Squadron | Blazing Western | Flying Aces |Ideal Romance | Mister Mystery | Navy Task Force | Radiant Love | Western Rough Riders | Weird Mysteries | Weird Tales of the Future

Lev Gleason Comics


Amazing Adventures of Buster Crabbe | Adventures in Wonderland | Black Diamond Western | Boy Comics | Boy Loves Girl | Boy Meets Girl | Captain Battle | Captain Battle Jr. | Crime Does Not Pay | Crime and Punishment | Cutie Pie | Daredevil Comics |Desperado | Dilly | Dime Comics | Horse Feathers Comics | Jim Dandy | Johnny Law, Sky Ranger | Lovers’ Lane | Shorty Shiner |Silver Streak Comics | Squeeks | Uncle Charlie’s Fables

Magazine Enterprises


A-1 Comics | American Air Forces, The | Avenger, The | Best of the West | Bobby Benson | Brain, The | Cave Girl | Clubhouse Rascals | Cowboys n Injuns / Cowboys and Indians | Danl Boone | Ding Dong | Durango Kid | Funnyman | Ghost Rider | Great Western | Jet | Keen Teens | Killers, The | Koko and Kola | Little Miss Sunbeam | Manhunt | Muggsy Mouse | Pixies, The | Red Mask| Robin Hood | Straight Arrow | Strong Man | Thun’da, King of the Congo | Tick Tock Tales | Tim Holt | US Marines | White Indian

MLJ/Archie Comics


Black Hood Comics | Blue Ribbon Comics | Darling Love | Darling Romance | Ginger | Hangman Comics | Jackpot Comics | Katy Keene | Pep Comics | Sam Hill Private Eye | Shield Wizard Comics | Super Duck Comics | Suzie Comics | Top-Notch Comics | Top-Notch Laugh Comics | Zip Comics

Novelty Press


4 Most | Blue Bolt | Criminals on the Run | Dick Cole | Frisky Fables | Guns Against Gangsters | Humdinger | Target Comics | Young King Cole



Love Diary | Love Journal | Patches | Taffy | Toytown | Wanted | The Westerner

Parents Magazine Institute


Calling All Boys | Calling All Girls | Calling All Kids | Jack Armstrong | True Comics

Prize Comics Group


All For Love | Babe | Black Magic | Charlie Chan | Dixie Dugan | Fighting American | Frankenstein | Headline Comics | Justice Traps the Guilty | Personal Love | Prize Comics | Prize Comics Western | Real West Romances | Strange World Of Your Dreams | Tom Corbett Space Cadet | Treasure Comics | Western Love | Wonderland Comics | Young Brides | Young Love | Young Romance



All Humor Comics | Barker,The | Blackhawk | Brides Romances | Broadway Romances | Buccaneers | Buster Bear | Campus Loves |Candy | Crack Comics | Crack Western | Diary Loves | Doll Man | Egbert | Exotic Romances | Exploits of Daniel Boone | Feature Comics | Feature Funnies | Gabby | GI Combat | G.I. Sweethearts | Girls in Love | Heart Throbs | Hickory | Hit Comics | Hollywood Diary | Hollywood Secrets | Jim Ray’s Aviation Sketchbook | Jonesy | Ken Shannon | Kid Eternity | Lady Luck | Love Confessions |Love Letters | Love Scandals | Love Secrets | Marmaduke Mouse | Military Comics | Modern Comics | National Comics | Plastic Man| Police Comics | Range Romances | Robin Hood Tales | Secret Loves | Smash Comics | Spirit, The | Spirit Sections | T-Man | Torchy| True War Romances | Uncle Sam Quarterly | Untamed Love | Web of Evil | Wedding Bells | Yanks in Battle

Rural Home


Blazing Comics (complete) | Blue Circle Comics (complete) | Cannonball Comics | Circus Comics | Eagle Comics (complete) | Laffy-Daffy Comics (complete) | Mask Comics | Meteor Comic | Red Band Comics (complete) | Red Circle Comics (complete)

Spark Publications


Atoman Comics | Golden Lad | Green Lama

Star Publications


All-Famous Police Cases | Blue Bolt | Confessions of Love | Crime Fighting Dectective | Frisky Animals | Ghostly Weird Stories |Popular Teen-Agers | School Day Romances | Shocking Mystery Cases | Spook | Startling Terror Tales | Terrors of the Jungle | Top Love Stories | True-to-Life Romances



The Informer – After Dark | Captain Flash

St. John Publications


Abbott and Costello Comics | Amazing Ghost Stories | Anchors the Salt Water Daffy | Approved Comics | Atom-Age Combat |Authentic Police Cases | Canteen Kate | Cinderella Love (1953+54 series) | Diary Secrets | Fightin’ Marines | Fugitives from Justice| Going Steady | Hawk, The | Hollywood Confessions | Jackie Gleason | Little Eva | Mopsy | Nightmare | Pictorial Confessions/Pictorial Romances | Romantic Marriage | Strange Terrors | Teen-Age Romances | Teen-Age Temptations | The Texan |Three Stooges | Tor | True Love Pictorial | Wartime Romances | Western Bandit Trails | Weird Horrors | Wild Boy of the Congo | Zip Jet

Story Comics


Dark Mysteries | Fight Against Crime | Mysterious Adventures | Romantic Hearts



Billy the Kid | Danger is our Business | Great Lover Romances | John Wayne Adventure Comics | Meet Merton | Monty Hall | Purple Claw | Return of the Outlaw | Super Brat | Tales of Horror | Tell it to the Marines

Trojan Magazines


Attack! | Beware | Crime Mysteries | Crime Smashers | Youthful Romances | Western Crime Busters

Youthful Magazines


Atomic Attack | Attack | Beware | Buffalo Bill | Captain Science | Chilling Tales | Daring Confessions | Gunsmoke | Indian Fighter |Redskin | Stamps Comics | Youthful Love Romances | Youthful Romances

Ziff-Davis Publications


Alice (New Advs. in Wonderland) | Amazing Adventures | Cinderella Love | Crime Clinic | Ellery Queen | Explorer Joe | Fairy Tales |Famous Stars | Fly Boy | G I Joe | Hawk, The | Kid Cowboy | Lars of Mars | Little Al of the F.B.I. | Little Al of the Secret Service |Nightmare | Nursery Rhymes | Sky Pilot | Space Busters | Space Patrol | Sparkie, Radio Pixie | Weird Thrillers | Wild Boy

Small Publishers


Camera Comics | Catholic Comics | Catechetical Guild Comics | Consolidated Magazines | Crown Comics | Cross Publications |Croydon Publishing Co. | Dearfield Publishing Co. | Don Fortune Publishing Co | Fago Magazines | G.E. Adventure Series | Gerona |Great Comics Publishing | Green (Universal Phoenix/Norlen) | Lafayette Street Corporation | Nation-Wide | Peter Wheat | P.L. Publishing | Poppo of the Popcorn Theatre (Publishers Weekly) | Premier Magazines | R. B. Leffingwell and Co. | Stanhall | Stories By Famous Authors Illustrated (Seaboard) | Superior Stories (Nesbit Pub.)

UK/Australian and NZ Comics


Black Magic 004 (US#008,006,partial 002)(UK reprint)

Classic Newspaper Comic Strips


Buster Brown | Gasoline Alley | Little Nemo | Myra North, Special Nurse | Out Our Way | War On Crime