[Exclusive] Preview Half Evil Comics’ THE PEACEKEEPERS #3 & #4 ~ Now on Kickstarter thru Feb. 29th!

PopCultHQ is excited to share with you an exclusive preview of THE PEACEKEEPERS #3 & #4 from Half Evil Comics. Currently available on Kickstarter, the creative team for this double issue features writing from Rylend Grant, art from Davi Leon Dias, colors by Iwan Joko Triyono, and lettering from HdE.

RELATED: Spoiler-Free Review of Half Evil Comics’ THE PEACEKEEPERS #3 & #4

Here’s a look at the covers, storyline, and preview pages for Half Evil Comics latest offering on Kickstarter!


Written by Rylend Grant
Art by Davi Leon Dias
Colors by Iwan Joko Triyono
Letters by HdE

Covers by Davi Leon Dias & Iwan Joko Triyono

All hell breaks loose in a quaint northern Michigan community when a team of in-over-their-heads bank robbers kills a beloved Sheriff’s Deputy. In a small town with BIG secrets, local detective Richard Holton races to peel back the layers of a depraved down home conspiracy before the bungling Federal Agents assigned to the case send everyone involved to the ground.

The campaign for THE PEACEKEEPERS #3 & #4 has met & exceeded the campaign goal, which has triggered some sweet bonuses! Stretch Goal #1 has already been met giving each and every backer a BONUS DIGITAL EXTRAVAGANZA… a virtual cornucopia of books (at least a dozen) from some of the hottest creators in comics. Every backer will receive 20+ comics for their one pledge thanks to Stretch Goal #1!

The campaign has also just reached the mark triggering Stretch Goal #2, which will see qualifying backers receive an exclusive print! So you’re already getting the hook-up courtesy of Half Evil Comics and team PEACEKEEPERS!

Enter PopCultHQ and the mad genius of, well, me.

The “What Is PopCultHQ Thinking?” Giveaway!


We are beyond confident you’ll LOVE not only THE PEACEKEEPERS current campaign offerings, but the series as a whole. So much so that we are giving away FREEBIES for new backers!

Any new pledge of the tier THE BOOK – Regular Cover and/or higher*** will receive a BONUS ADD-ON at our expense! Crazy? Obviously. But no one does crazy better than PopCultHQ! (I’m not even sure what I mean by that.)

*** Back any tier, except the first three – Doing Us a Solid tier, the PEACEKEEPERS 3 & 4 – Digital Deluxe tier, and PEACEKEEPERS 1-4 – Digital Catch Up tier – and you’ll be given a dope add-on courtesy of your friends at PopCultHQ!

Official Rules:

Make a new pledge to THE PEACEKEEPERS #3 & #4 campaign between now and Tuesday, February 20th at 9:00pm PST. Upon successfully backing the campaign at the physical copy or higher tier(s), use Kickstarter’s Facebook or Twitter feature that allows you to share the news of backing the campaign and tag PopCultHQ (our handles on both Facebook & Twitter are @PopCultHQ). That’s it!

After THE PEACEKEEPERS #3 & #4 campaign wraps, PopCultHQ will announce those new backers (from the promotional period) and the add-on that will be included with their bag of goodies from Half Evil Comics. You could receive an exclusive variant, an autographed book, Grantverse trading cards, or something even more valuable!

All bonus PopCultHQ add-ons we give away during this promotion will be mentioned in an article published at PopCultHQ.com. It will include the list of people who backed during the giveaway period and tagged PopCultHQ on either Facebook or Twitter, as well as the add-on they will be receiving. The add-ons given away, and to whom, will be randomized and shown in a brief video which will be included in the above published article. We will also reach out to each individual via the social media outlet on which they shared the campaign and tagged PopCultHQ.

The current campaign runs through Thursday, February 29th @ 8:00 PM PST. Its funding goal has already been reached & surpassed. By backing the campaign now, you are guaranteed a successful campaign and will receive two stretch goal extras (so far) just by making a pledge. Join us, won’t you?

Jason Bennett (@TahoeJBennett) is a contributing writer & chief editor for PopCultHQ, As a team member since PopCultHQ’s inception, Jason has written over 8,300 articles covering all aspects of pop culture. He established relationships with many of the comic book publishers with whom we work on a regular basis. Whether sharing news from the comic book industry, conducting spoiler-free reviews, interviewing creators, or working with publicity reps, he is dedicated in promoting those within the comic book scene, giving people a platform to share their projects, as well as always seeking to find ways in which PopCultHQ can grow and improve. Jason also attends comic conventions, representing PopCultHQ as a member of the press, and can often be seen at conventions up and down the west coast.

Follow on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, BlueSky, and YouTube.

PopCultHQ is a professional entertainment media company covering all things pop culture, with concentrations in comic books, cosplay, and conventions. We have exclusive interviews with comic book creators, cosplayers, publishers, local comic shops, and entertainment celebrities. PopCultHQ is also active on the convention scene, covering many events on-site to obtain & provide exclusive content for our viewing audience. Celebrate your fandom with us!

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