Doctor Who Fans Invade Chicago at the Annual Chicago Tardis 2015

While people were out hunting down deals or still laying in turkey induced comas there was a group of dedicated Doctor Who fans in Chicago at the annual Chicago Tardis.

Held annually on the weekend after Thanksgiving it has a lot to offer all fans of the Doctor. All generations were on hand to pay tribute to their favorite Doctors and to meet and greet many from the Whoverse.

This years convention included Paul McGann (the 8th Doctor,) Alex Kingston(River Song,) Ingrid Oliver (Osgood,)Samuel Anderson (Danny Pink,) Nicholas Briggs (Dalek Voice) and Torchwood Alumni Burn Gorman who played Owen Harper.

There was also a lot of other actors, producers, writers and artists(my favorite being Christopher Jones.)

Thanks to Chicago Tardis for another great year