Cosplayer Spotlight: Adam Watney of Watney Props

PopCultHQ’s Cosplayer Spotlight falls on Adam Watney of Watney Props!

Adam is a cosplayer (and propmaker) you’ve probably seen around the Chicago and Southern Indiana conventions. He’s serious about his cosplay (and his props) but he also has a lot of fun while doing it.

When he is not cosplaying, he can frequently be found making props at Wulfgar Weapons or for his own enjoyment

We recently had Adam randomly chose, which questions we would ask him.

PopCultHQ –  What is your favorite Comic?

Adam -The Punisher comic “Welcome Back Frank.” It’s easily the most badass and iconic Punisher story.

PopCultHQ – Adam frequently does a Punisher variation and seems to have fun every time. After all, who wouldn’t? It’s simple, comfortable, and he carries it off great.

PopCultHQ – How did you start in cosplay?

Adam – I had vaguely known about it through the end of my time in high school. In 2014 I went to C2E2, my very first con. I didn’t cosplay at the time but seeing everyone in costume made me want to try it myself. Then a few months later, I cosplayed Jack Bauer at Wizard World Chicago. It was my first costume and pales in comparison to what I do now.

PopCultHQ –  Who do you aspire to be?

AdamAdam Savage is a huge inspiration to me. His work is phenomenal and his impact on the world of costuming is unlike any other. Mark Hamill and Harrison Ford are also big inspirations for me.

PopCultHQ – I love Savage, he is awesome!

The fact that they both share the same name might be more than coincidental. I personally think that Adam needs to cosplay as Adam.

PopCultHQ – What was your favorite cosplay?

Adam – Probably Bespin Luke Skywalker. It is the costume that has really pushed my skills as a prop maker and was the catalyst for the rediscovery of my love for Star Wars. I have several other versions of Luke in the works.

I loved the boudoir (dude-oir) shoot he did as Luke. And…congratulations Adam on getting into Rebel Legion!


PopCultHQ –  What is the biggest piece of convention survival advice you can offer?
Adam – Eat throughout the day. 9 times out of 10 I forget to eat until the evening, when I get out of costume, and then the food I finally eat doesn’t sit on my stomach the way it should.

PopCultHQ – Who is your favorite cosplayer?
Adam – Oooh, tough question.
PopCultHQ – You can answer however you wish, or don’t answer at all if you don’t wish to single one out
Adam – My friends all do really great costumes but one person who comes to mind is Michael Weber from Chicago. He is one of the nicest guys I know and he always manages to come up with simple, clever costumes that really manage to draw a crowd.

PopCultHQ – How long have you been cosplaying?

Adam – Since August of 2014.

PopCultHQ – What do you enjoy most about cosplaying at conventions?

Adam – The reactions I get out of people when they see my costumes. I spend a lot of time researching and building my costumes and props and when that effort gets recognized, I smile ear to ear.

PopCultHQ – What is your favorite TV show?

Adam – Ash Vs Evil Dead. It’s the perfect blend of the humor of Army of Darkness with the gore of Evil Dead 2.

PopCultHQ – That is one of my faves too. Adam does a great Ash.

PopCultHQ – Do you belong to any cosplay groups?

Adam – I am with The Rebel Legion and CosAwesome Studios.

Thank you Adam for being our spotlight!

If you want to see more of Adam, you can check out his Facebook Page – Watney Props or on Instagram – Watney_props