[Cosplay Photos] Wasteland Weekend – September 27 – October 1, 2023

Wasteland Weekend 2023 feature

Wasteland Weekend is a fully immersive Mad Max fan experience held annually in Edwards, CA. Inspired by previous events such as Roadwar USA and Road Warrior weekend this event began in 2010 and it has been growing ever since**.

**Paragraph amended 10/04/2023 5:20 CST to reflect newly provided origins**

Wasteland weekend banner

This is a post-apocalyptic event that pulls fans of every post-apocalyptic genre together. You see a lot of unique cosplay creations and many inspired by movies and video games. This is one event where your vehicle is part of your cosplay.

Wasteland Weekend is everything you could imagine and more. With offerings of a film festival, concerts, car races, robot battles, food vendors, costume contests, and their own radio station – you will not run out of entertainment and things to do.

Special thanks once again go out to Barry Lamar Mulling for letting us show you some of the spectacular costuming from this event. There are a lot more in their Facebook album.

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be sure to check out our Cosplay Convention List!

Cosplay Convention List 2023