[Cosplay Photos] Holiday Cosplay Tampa Bay – December 2-3, 2023

Holiday Cosplay Tampa Bay 2023 feature
Holiday Cosplay tampa Bay banner

Holiday Cosplay Tampa Bay is a festive fusion of all things geek. Anime, gaming, cosplay, and sci-fi have all come together to celebrate the holiday season in St. Petersburg, FL.

This was a great opportunity to shop for holiday gifts for all the fandoms; whether you were looking for POP! Vinyls, artwork, a nerdy T-shirt, or a video game, you probably could have found it as you wandered the floor. Crafters, artists, and resellers were all on-site.

If you were done shopping, there were a lot of activities including panels, cosplay competitions, a SFX competition, a TikTok film festival, and a lip sync battle. You could also visit the gaming room and compete in a tournament. In between events, you could visit the voice actors or hang out with the cosplayers.

Once again, Nocedo Photo Media knocked it out of the ballpark took a lot of fantastic photos. You can head over to their Flickr Album to see the rest of them. Keep an eye on Nocedo Photo Media for some other great photography work. You can find all of their links on Linktr.ee.

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be sure to check out our Cosplay Convention List!

Cosplay Convention List 2023