Cosplay Photos from Anime Washington 2024

Anime Washington 2024
April Carvelli Avatar

Anime Washington held their first show January 27-28 at the Greater Tacoma Convention Center. They are an event geared to bring the everyone together to celebrate anime, manga, and Asian Pop Culture.

Anime Washington Banner

This Anime con had a large vendor floor and offered several entertaining panels on everything Anime, as well cosplay photo shoots and various gaming opportunities. They brought in a lot of Anime voice actors for this event including Dameon Clarke, Brittney Karbowski, and Justin Cooke. The voice actors represented close to 100 popular Animes.


Our new thing for 2024 is to ask our readers to take a poll on some basic components of the con. We want to know how you rate the parking, the vendors and the food. The poll closes after 30 days and we will use this as a baseline for next years convention. We hope to eventually have a rating system set up for many of the conventions.

Growing pains are expected from a first year convention. This year seems to have held a few surprises regarding what wasn’t allowed in. It seems a lot of people had to dispose of food and water and were provided few choices inside. A lot of people seem to have had parking issues. Other complaints about the con were prices of vendors and autographs, but these are the same ones I see at almost every convention.


Cosplay photos are provided by a neutral third party with no opinions given on the event. Cosplay photos are provided to highlight the skills and enthusiasm of the photographer and cosplayers. All opinions and facts in the article are by the author.

We turned again to our friend Anthony Macasieb for cosplay photos, their cosplay photos always give us a great perspective of the convention. They are a great photographer and a fantastic cosplayer, be sure to keep your eyes open for their next great costume.

To see what Cosplay Conventions are coming to your area,
be sure to check out our Cosplay Convention List!

Cosplay Convention List 2023
April Carvelli Avatar

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