Chicago TARDIS 2023 was held over Thanksgiving weekend at the The Westin Chicago Lombard. This is a smaller convention dedicated to a single fandom, Doctor Who.

There was a lot to do from listening to creators and actors’ panels on a variety of subjects about the series, to a screening room where you can sit back and watch episodes of Doctor Who. The vendor hall offers a variety of Doctor Who-themed merchandise, with a large portion of it offered up to Big Finish audio productions. There are also several crafters, a silent auction, and the fan group, Chronicles of Who.
Be sure to check out Part 2 of our Chicago Tardis Coverage
If you like costuming or cosplay in all its forms, there was a lot skill and passion on display.

About Chicago TARDIS:

Chicago TARDIS, the Midwest’s largest Doctor Who event, brings together fans every Thanksgiving weekend to celebrate the world’s longest-running science fiction television show. “By fans, for fans” is the convention model – organized by fans of Doctor Who, for fans of Doctor Who. Chicago TARDIS has dozens of volunteers that work hard to put the convention together each year.
Alien Entertainment, the company behind Chicago TARDIS, is a local small business dedicated to bringing you new and vintage toys, collectibles, apparel, accessories, and more – all from your favorite nerdy fandoms. The showrunner and founder, Gene Smith, began Chicago TARDIS because of his love of and desire to connect with the community. Founded in 2000, the convention has been growing in scope every year, with attendance exploding as the show’s popularity in the United States has blossomed.
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