[Cosplay Photos] Anime Milwaukee 2023

Anime Milwuakee feature
AMKE Banner

Anime Milwaukee (AMKE) is an annual, three-day anime convention that was held February 3rd-5th, at the Wisconsin Center & Hilton Milwaukee City Center in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. It is Wisconsin’s largest anime convention.

The convention typically offers a variety of entertainment 24 hours a day. This entertainment covers a wide variety and includes anime music videos, an art contest, artist alley, charity ball, cosplay chess, a dealer’s room, fashion show, maid cafe, manga library, masquerade, movies, rave, tabletop gaming, and video game tournaments.

The special guest list includes bands, DJs, voice actors, writers and artists, each with an anime influence.

Thanks to Nickolas Hogan of DP & Co. Photography, we get to see some great photos. Be sure to head over to his page to see the rest of his cosplay pics.

He can also be found at:

Instagram: DistalsPlace
Twitter: @distalsplace
TikTok: distalsplace
Twitch: DistalsPlace

To see what Cosplay Conventions are coming to your area,
be sure to check out our Cosplay Convention List!

Cosplay Convention List 2023