[Cosplay Photos] Anime Festival Orlando (June 16-18, 2023)

Anime Festival Orlando feature

Anime Festival Orlando is in their 22nd year and is probably the oldest anime convention in Orlando, FL. This year the event ran over the weekend of June 16th and was held at the Wyndham Orlando Resort International Drive.

Anime Festival orlando Banner

Guests to this year’s event included an array of voice actors such as Aaron Campbell, Chuck Huber, Cricket Leigh, and Ellyn Stern. There was a variety of traditional panels, cosplay contests, tabletop and video gaming available but also a lot of less common events for the patrons. These events included an idol fest, anime music video contest, and a game show theater.

One thing that makes this event stand out a little different from some of the others is Orlandia. This is what they call a Live Action Convention Experience (LACE). This is a free interactive show and game that takes place across the whole weekend. You can choose to actively participate by interacting with the NPC actors or joining in a game. The theme for Orlandia changes, making each year a unique experience.

Cosplay photos are provided by a neutral third party with no opinions given on the event. Cosplay photos are provided to highlight the skills and enthusiasm of the photographer and cosplayers. All opinions and facts in the article are by the author.

Nocedo Photo Group was there and has once again provided us with some excellent cosplay photos. You can head over to their Flikr album to see the rest of the photos.

Keep an eye on Nocedo Photo Group for some other great photography work. You can find all of their links on Linktr.ee.

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