[Convention] A Look at Chicago TARDIS 2023 (Nov. 24th-26th)

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Chicago TARDIS, the Midwest’s largest Doctor Who event, brings fans together every Thanksgiving weekend to celebrate the world’s longest-running science fiction television show. This convention is “By fans, for fans,” recognizing that it is organized by fans of Doctor Who (and British sci-fi), for fans of Doctor Who.

This weekend-long event started in 2000 by Gene Smith, and has been going strong ever since. The event is held at the The Westin Chicago Lombard, just 25 minutes outside of Chicago, across from the Yorktown shopping center.

Buy your tickets now for the November 24-26th event.

What to do at Chicago TARDIS

This year is the 60th anniversary of Doctor Who and they plan to put a big focus on the history of our favorite British sci-fi.

  • Celebrities – Visit the celebrities, attend one of their panels, get an autograph or photo.
  • Panels – You can attend panels on everything from the history of The Doctor to how to construct a cosplay. There are roundtable discussions, celebrity interviews, workshops, and informative talks.
  • Cosplay – Cosplay is strongly encouraged. There is a hallway costume contest, the Masquerade, and the Chronological Cavalcade.
  • Gaming – there is a gaming room which offers various board and tabletop games. Chicago TARDIS also offers some unique and exclusive games including, “The Rory Adventure Game,” “Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey,” “Doctor Who Memory Worm Game,” “Doctor Who Love Letters” and “Find It!”
  • Camp Time Lord – The perfect place to take take your little time traveler for crafts, relaxing or hanging out with their fellow Jr. Time Lords.
  • Dance Party – Friday night is when they host the “Don’t Blink” Dance Party, an 80’s New Wave dance extravaganza.
  • Karaoke – Saturday night they host the Cyberkaraoke with a variety of UK hits.
  • Silent Auction – This event for charity offers merchandise, memorabilia, and other items.
  • Dalek Alley – The highlight of the event for many. A row of various Daleks. You have to see it to believe it.

We hope to see you at the next Chicago Tardis event!

To see what Cosplay Conventions are coming to your area,
be sure to check out our Cosplay Convention List!

Cosplay Convention List 2023

About Chicago TARDIS:

Chicago TARDIS, the Midwest’s largest Doctor Who event, brings together fans every Thanksgiving weekend to celebrate the world’s longest-running science fiction television show. “By fans, for fans” is the convention model – organized by fans of Doctor Who, for fans of Doctor Who. Chicago TARDIS has dozens of volunteers that work hard to put the convention together each year.

Alien Entertainment, the company behind Chicago TARDIS, is a local small business dedicated to bringing you new and vintage toys, collectibles, apparel, accessories, and more – all from your favorite nerdy fandoms.  The showrunner and founder, Gene Smith, began Chicago TARDIS because of his love of and desire to connect with the community. Founded in 2000, the convention has been growing in scope every year, with attendance exploding as the show’s popularity in the United States has blossomed.