[Comic Book Review] VAMPBLADE – Season Three #1 from Action Lab: Danger Zone

Vampblade - Season Three #1

PopCultHQ received an advance review copy of VAMPBLADE – Season Three #1 from Action Lab Entertainment‘s Danger Zone imprint. Available Wednesday, April 4th, the creative team for this series features writing from Jason Martin, art/colors by Marcelo Costa, and lettering from Adam Wollet.

Here’s PopCultHQ’s spoiler-free review of…


Vampblade Season 3 #1 Cover A
Vampblade Season 3 #1 Cover A

VAMPBLADE – Season Three #1

Writer: Jason Martin
Artist/Colorist: Marcelo Costa
Letterer: Adam Wollet

Cover Artists:
Marcelo Costa (A-B), RB White (C-D),
Richard Garcia (E-F), Dan Mendoza (G-H)

32 pgs./ M / FC

Other-dimensional vampire slaying comic shop owner Katie Carva literally reboots when the Vampblades transplant an alternate dimension version of Detroit to replace her recently destroyed city! Now Katie must survive the Glarkian space vampire invasion all over again… PLUS deal with a second version of herself that came along for the ride!! It’s double the Vampblade, double the fun!

The hit series reboots with a new artist and 4 covers, each with a risqué variant – including one by Dan Mendoza (Zombie Tramp, DollFace), plus a blank sketch variant!


PopCultHQ’s Comic Book Review:
VAMPBLADE – Season Three #1

With Katie Carva now entering her third series, the Glarkian killer has seemingly faced it all. But with this new issue, the titular character looks to become even more fleshed out as she deals with not only external threats, but internal struggles. If you found yourself in an alternate universe, similar to our own in most aspects, how would you deal with seeing another you, another family whom you think you know? On top of that, you’re also faced with the task of teaching your alternate “you” to become everything you already are and have become? All while dealing with the loss of all your family and friends? There are many stories and issues to resolve for Katie, and it’s in these interconnected burdens (for lack of a better word) that Vampblade is poised to make a lengthy run with volume three.


Writer Jason Martin delivers a mind-blowing issue to kick off season three. By embracing and implementing variations to alternate dimensions, space and time, the story featuring two Vampblades feels plausible. In fact, it’s made for some interesting dynamics sure to develop over upcoming issues. The alternate dimension Katie finds herself in has opened the doors to the possibilities on where this volume can go. From cover to cover, you’ll find that VAMPBLADE – Season Three #1 is intelligently written, well-laid out, and overflowing with excitement, which is a credit to Martin’s delivery.


Artist Marcelo Costa joins the new volume of Vampblade on illustrations and colors and really blew me away with his contributions. When a new artist is brought on-board for a new volume of a series, it’s easy (and practically automatic) to compare the new illustrator to the previous one. As much as I enjoyed Marco Maccagni’s look to the series (and quite frankly, anything the guy does), Marcelo couldn’t have done a finer job. His art certainly pays homage to Maccagni’s look, yet adding his own brilliant style. It’s almost as if the interiors are from the same alternate dimension to which Katie finds herself in this issue; slight variations, but uniquely different. Really looking forward to more of what Costa brings to the Vampblade title.

Letterer Adam Wollet brings a lot of the excitement to this first issue. With the amount of action, intensity, and violence now doubled with two Katies, it’s the sound effects from Wollet that stand out and amplify the volume of this thrill ride. He also has nice placement, allowing Costa’s work to shine through, and great internal dialogues that add to the lead character.

PopCultHQ’s overall assessment:

Relive the freshness of the first season of Vampblade! Travel to new dimensions with new threats! Follow along as Katie Carva mentors the way of the Vampblade to…Katie Carva?!

It’s twice the Vampblade, twice the ass-kicking. Everything you’ve loved from prior issues, a captivating narrative, and a creative team working so cohesively, VAMPBLADE Season Three #1 is a cut above the rest!

PopCultHQ’s Rating:

5 Out of 5 Stars

VAMPBLADE – Season Three #1 can be pre-ordered NOW on ComiXology
and available at your local comic shop and online retailers April 4th!

Be sure to follow the creative team!

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Writer/Colorist – Jason Martin








Artist – Marcelo Costa






Letterer – Adam Wollet






Publisher – Action Lab: Danger Zone
