[Comic Book Review] Oni Press’ SHADOW ROADS #2

Shadow Roads #2

PopCultHQ received a review copy of SHADOW ROADS #2 from Oni Press. Available August 8th, the creative team for this series features writing from Cullen Bunn and Brian Hurtt, art from A.C. Zamudio, colors by Carlos N. Zamudio, and lettering from Crank!.

Here’s PopCultHQ’s spoiler-free review of…

Shadow Roads #2 - Cover by A.C. Zamudio with Carlos Zamudio
Shadow Roads #2 – Cover by A.C. Zamudio with Carlos Zamudio

Shadow Roads #2

Writers: Cullen Bunn, Brian Hurtt
Artist: A.C. Zamudio
Colorist: Carlos N. Zamudio
Letterer: Crank!

Cover Artists:
A.C. Zamudio with Carlos N. Zamudio

Age Rating: Young Adult
Genre: Fantasy/Adventure
Price: $3.99
Page Count: 32

Henry and Barry find themselves in the presence of the enigmatic Buzzard Clan, where they meet an unexpected chief who holds secrets to Henry’s past. Meanwhile, Ghost Eyes and Isabella are tracking the soul-stealing Hunter, but instead they find the mysterious Black Star Rangers!

PopCultHQ’s Comic Book Review:

The old west, but not as many remember it. Tempered in Native American mysticism and peppered with crossroads allowing transit between worlds, the characters saunter to meet their fate. This book pulls no punches and is ramping up the horrific nature of the other side…and the way it can affect those it touches.


The world that’s being built here is both familiar and foreign. The wild weird west genre that it presents really captures both the simplicity and sinister nature of both the great American Western and the great American horror. The plot juggles two seemingly unconnected sets of characters in effortlessly, despite their physical distance from each other. There is a real sense of dread as the unknowable forces at work are mounting their attack against the characters.

I’ll also be blunt here, I love these characters. Each of them has a unique nature and likable charm. The leads maintained the serious tone and translated the gravity of the situation well to the reader. And characters like Barry allowed for a little levity and gave the tale room to breathe. The book was hard to put down, and I even felt a camaraderie with these people on their journey.


Arizona deserts at sunset. That’s what the color and tone of the book are to me. There is an unforgiving nature to the great open spaces of the old west, but there is also magic and majesty hidden within. This is captured through palette and pen from the artist and colorist.

A cinematic comic is how I’d describe this one. There was once or twice that I had to re-read a set of panels, but there are few wasted efforts to evoke emotion and action through design. The other real talent on display is how unique each character’s look is. There is thought and detail put into the body language that makes them practically animate themselves.

PopCultHQ’s overall assessment:

This was a book I knew nothing about walking into it and I left feeling motivated to pick up the next one. The writing and art compliment each other in a way that few comics do, letting the plot be driven by the characters hunting and being hunted by an oncoming threat. The most important thing, though, was that I can wholeheartedly recommend this book, even to those who have not read the first because of the skill in writing. If this keeps pace, I can guarantee that even a newcomer to this story will have a good time.

PopCultHQ’s Rating:

4.5 out of 5 Stars

PopCultHQ Rating - 4.5 Stars
PopCultHQ Rating – 4.5 Stars

SHADOW ROADS #2 will be available at your local
comic shop and online retailers Wednesday, August 8th!

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Be sure to follow the creative team!

Writer – Cullen Bunn






Writer – Brian Hurtt



Artist – A.C. Zamudio



Colorist – Carlos Nicolas Zamudio



Letterer – Crank!



Publisher – Oni Press

