PopCultHQ had the opportunity to look at JUSTICE LEAGUE DARK (2018) #1 from DC Comics. Available July 25th, 2018, the creative team for this series features writing from James Tynion IV, pencils from Alvaro Martínez Bueno, inks by Raül Fernandez, colors by Brad Anderson, and lettering from Rob Leigh.
Here’s PopCultHQ’s review of…
Written by James Tynion IV
Pencils by Alvaro Martínez Bueno
Inks by Raül Fernandez
Colors by Brad Anderson
Letters by Rob Leigh
Earth’s magic once belonged to them. Now they want the magic back. But who exactly are they? It’s up to the new Justice League Dark to find out and stop this nightmarish new threat at all costs! After the events of NO JUSTICE, team leader Wonder Woman guides the misfit magic mix of Zatanna, Swamp Thing, Man-Bat and Detective Chimp against enemies too fantastic even for the Justice League. Plus, what awful things are coming through the Tree of Wonder? Dark days ahead…
PopCultHQ’s Comic Book Review:
Since the end of Justice League and the beginning of the recent Justice League: No Justice miniseries, which kicked off a new age of Justice League. and now another spin-off series Justice League Dark v2 #1 dropped! As a fan of the previous Justice League Dark series, I found it exciting to hear that this book would be coming back. A new magical-based Justice League led by Wonder Woman and Zatanna; two of my favorite DC gals followed by Swamp Thing and John Constantine; two of my favorite DC fellas. This book can’t lose!
James Tynion IV is no stranger to weird things at DC Comics. Penning such titles as Constantine the Hellblazer, Batwoman, Detective Comics, Batman, and even the Justice League: No Justice miniseries. He’s touched just about every character in the DC Universe.
This story picks up after the events of Justice League Dark v1. In a nutshell, due to the events of Dark Knights Metal and the destruction of the Source Wall, the mysteries of the universe are once again expanded upon and there are new things for everyone to learn again, even the most educated and skillful magi. There is a new magical artifact in the world, The Tree of Wonder, and it has upset the balance of Magic in the universe.
Zatanna learns this the hard way, as one of her magic acts goes terribly wrong, and Wonder Woman arrives to help her. Wonder Woman has pursued her because she is forming a mystical Justice League and wants Zatanna onboard. Wonder Woman is trying to solve the mystery of the Tree of Wonder. However, Zatanna is having no part of it.
As magic users gather in the DC Uninverse for a huge meeting held by Baron Winters, Wonder Woman laments with Detective Chimp in a mystical bar and recruits him to help her on her quest. Meanwhile at this mage meeting, Jason Blood makes a desperate plea. He understands there is a problem but feels the magic community can solve it on their own.
Zatanna pays a visit to Swamp Thing at the Tree of Wonder where her father’s spirit warns her that the original owners of magic are returning and that conventional heroes will not be able to stop them. As Wonder Woman and Detective Chimp are attacked by magically-ravaged corpses in the basement of the Hall of Justice, Zatanna and Swamp Thing show up to lend a hand, and now Wonder Woman has three magical wonders on her side.
Alvaro Martínez Bueno, much like James Tynion, has just about drawn every aspect and corner of the DC Universe. An extensive resumé, too huge to mention piece-by-piece. His art holds a certain dynamic to it. There is a splash page of Wonder Woman jumping to save Zatanna and bring her sword down on a large tentacled monster. When he draws pages in the light, they reflect the nature of being in the open and when he draws pages in the dark…they really do come across as creepy. I’ve always enjoyed his artwork and he sticks around on books, which is always a plus. Although I’m not sure of the Alan Moore-looking Swamp Thing, I’m sure it’s just a coincidence (at best) but seriously, he does look a bit like Alan Moore’s rendition.
PopCultHQ’s overall assessment:
This book was fun! It was creepy and it was full of cameos galore! If you can think of someone in the magical spectrum of the DC Universe, then they were likely in this book. My money’s worth was when John Constantine tells Zatanna he can’t attend the meeting because Baron Winters won’t let him in his house again after he made several people burst into flames. Which is a direct reference to “Crisis on Infinite Earths” from the pages of Swamp Thing.
PopCultHQ’s Rating:
5 out of 5 Stars

YES! A book finally gets a 5-star rating from me! Probably won’t be another for some time but yes, this book has it all. If you’re a fan of Zatanna, Swamp Thing, Wonder Woman, John Constantine, HP Lovecraft, or the original Justice League Dark series, then this is for you! I know I bought all three variant covers! Worth your time and money!
JUSTICE LEAGUE DARK (2018)#1 can be purchased on ComiXology and available
at your local comic shop and online retailers on Wednesday, July 25th!
Be sure to follow the creative team!
Writer – James Tynion IV
Artist – Alvaro Martínez Bueno
Inker – Raül Fernandez
Colorist – Brad Anderson
Letterer – Rob Leigh
Publisher – DC Comics