[Comic Book Review] IMMORTAL HULK #4 from Marvel Comics

Immortal Hulk #4

PopCultHQ received an advance review copy of IMMORTAL HULK #4 from Marvel Comics. Available August 1st, 2018, the creative team for this series features writing from Al Ewing, art from Joe Bennett, inks by Ruy José Santos, colors by Paul Mounts, and lettering from VC’s Cory Petit.

Here’s PopCultHQ’s review of…

The Immortal Hulk #4 - Main Cover by Alex Ross
The Immortal Hulk #4 – Main Cover by Alex Ross


Written by Al Ewing
Art by Joe Bennett
Inks by Ruy José Santos
Colors by Paul Mounts
Letters by VC’s Cory Petit

Main Cover by Alex Ross

Page Count: 23 Pages
Print Release Date: August 1st, 2018

Walter Langkowski is an ex-football star, a space diplomat and a beloved super hero. Walter Langkowski is charming, healthy and outgoing. Walter Langkowski is the opposite of Bruce Banner. And Walter Langkowski is going to die today, because he went looking for Banner…and found the IMMORTAL HULK.

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PopCultHQ’s Comic Book Review:
Immortal Hulk #4

Well, Immortal Hulk #4 is released today and I took the liberty of reading it and yacking about it again! But first, I have a social interaction with writer Al Ewing regarding this series I’d like to share…


I really do enjoy Al Ewing a lot. This issue doesn’t even have Banner or the Hulk until the last 2 pages. However, it was just so interesting that it had me turning the pages. What we see is a bit of reworking of Banner and Langkowski (I love modern updates). The entire history of how the two met in college and Sasquatch’s origin are kept intact but they’ve been modernized. More of an emphasis on Walter being a jock and part-time science nerd in Banner’s shadow. His desire to want to recreate the effects of the Gamma Bomb and turn himself into a Canadian version of the Incredible Hulk are still there. Just as usual, the time era has been upped just a bit.

The story of Jackie McGee begins to unfold about why she has such a desire to find Bruce Banner and prove he and the Hulk are still alive. Although right now it seems rather sterotypical; we see her as a small child watch as the Hulk just tramples her neighborhood. It’s a typical trope which has been used with Hulk characters in the past. I just hope and feel that Al Ewing is going somewhere different and productive with it.

We also learn why Walter is after the Hulk. Aparently something has effected his Gamma signature, since he and the Hulk share the same Gamma signature (according to Bruce Banner). When Walter is stabbed in a bar fight and dies on the operating table, he becomes Sasquatch. It seems as if Tanaraq is once again in control of Langkowski’s Sasqutach form. As we’re left with a promise of the Hulk fighting Sasquatch next issue, it’s needless to say that this new book is moving at a fast pace with issue 4 and soon issue 5 picking up the action.

So far, Immortal Hulk has been less about the Hulk and more about people and how they are effected by the Hulk. It also spent some earlier issues elaborating on the new relationship dynamic Bruce Banner and the Hulk share. However, it is still too early to speculate on where this is going. Remember, he’s throwing down with the Avengers in the upcoming issue 7. So again, AL Ewing is not wasting our time dragging out whatever narrative he has planned in his first arc.


Again, Joe Bennett is begining to grow on me. I haven’t seen much of his Hulk but I do like his art. However, one thing in this issue bugs me. Is it me or does he draw Walter Langkowski a bit much like Victor Creed/Sabretooth? Let me know in the comments here!

PopCultHQ’s overall assessment:

Again, simply a book worth following. It has the flavor of the classic Hulk, it has a nod to television in a sense. Al Ewing knows his Incredible Hulk history and he completely utilizes, as well as taking some inspiration from crazy places one would never imagine…but hey, it works! Just like he did for issue two.

PopCultHQ’s Rating:

3.5 out of 5 Stars

PopCultHQ Rating - 3.5 Stars
PopCultHQ Rating – 3.5 Stars

3.5 Stars! Yeah, perhaps I’m just a Hulk fanboy at heart but this issue, even though somewhat filler, actually resonated with me and I’m on the edge of my seat wanting to know what Walter’s story is and how he’s become much like the Immortal Hulk! So until issue 5, you lot should be out buying this book, reading it, and coming over and chatting about it with me because it is that damn good!

IMMORTAL HULK #4 can be purchased on ComiXology and available
at your local comic shop and online retailers on Wednesday, August 1st!

Comixology button

Be sure to follow the series’ creative team!

Writer – Al Ewing





Artist – Joe Bennett





Inker – Ruy José Santos





Colorist – Paul Mounts





Letterer – Cory Petit





Publisher – Marvel Comics



