[Comic Book Review] Image Comics’ VS #5 (of 5)

VS #5

PopCultHQ received an advance review copy of VS #5 from Image Comics. Available this Wednesday, July 18th on New Comic Book Day (NCBD), the issue features writing from Iván Brandon, interior art by Esad Ribić, colors by Nic Klein, Ive Svorcina, and Em Roberts, letters from Aditya Bidikar, and designs by Tom Muller.

Here’s PopCultHQ’s spoiler-free review of…

VS #5 - Variant Cover by Esad Ribić & Tom Muller
VS #5 – Variant Cover by Esad Ribić & Tom Muller
VS #5 - Main Cover by Esad Ribić
VS #5 – Main Cover by Esad Ribić

VS #5

Writer: Iván Brandon
Artist: Esad Ribić
Colorists: Nic Klein,
Ive SvorcinaEm Roberts
Letterer: Aditya Bidikar
Designs: Tom Muller

Cover Artists:
Esad RibićTom Muller

Available: July 18th, 2018
SRP: $3.99

Satta Flynn is off the grid but not out of the game. As the forces that seek to end his life threaten to take all of humanity down with him, the ruined gladiator will have to reconcile with what in his life at war is still worth saving.

PopCultHQ’s Comic Book Review:
VS #5


Ivan has done it. Gone and truly done it. Capped off an amazing, crazy, and totally insane series the only way possible. By throwing all the chips on the table, betting with a bluff, and it turning into a full house like no other. There is not much else to truly say without giving away the plot, other than this…it’s been a wild and crazy ride Ivan has taken us on, and this reviewer would like to say, thank you.


Throughout this whole series, Esad’s art has constantly been thrilling and different every time. Showing varied aspects of the city, the War Games, behind the War Games. Now, he takes us to beyond these places. Somewhere out there on that horizon. Out beyond the neon lights.

Nic, Ive and Em. A powerful trio to deliver powerful colors for the end of VS. Their work put with Esad’s art and Ivan’s script is magical, simply magical. All of it blends together so beautifully, it’s truthfully hard to know where one’s work stops and the other starts. But that’s what makes it so amazing. The collective coloring brilliance.

Aditya never stopped giving it his all on the lettering. Issues 1-4 were fabulous examples of that all. But here in issue #5, the crescendo, the ending notes, it’s a take the gloves off and really have fun sort of mentality. Should he ever work with any of this team again, it will be a fine reunion.

Tom Muller. Oh Tom and his designs, what treats they are. Each commercial and product placement ad. Each item of strange and bizarre future merchandise, from Cherry Combat to CrydoDreams. It’s like he pulled a cork from a bottle of brilliance and drank deeply to give everyone something new and different and fun in each book. Hearty well done to Tom for everything.

PopCultHQ’s overall assessment:

Hard to believe this is it. The end. Final curtain. Game over for Satta and his friends in the Games. But they won’t go down without a fight. Or do they go down at all? What madness awaits and secrets will be revealed? Get a copy of Issue #5 and find out.

PopCultHQ’s Rating:

5 out of 5 Stars

PopCultHQ Rating - 5 Stars
PopCultHQ Rating – 5 Stars

VS #5 can be purchased on ComiXology and available
at your local comic shop and online retailers Wednesday, July 18th!

Be sure to follow the creative team!

Writer – Iván Brandon






Artist – Esad Ribić





Colorist – Nic Klein






Colorist – Ive Svorcina






Colorist – Em Roberts






Letterer – Aditya Bidikar






Designs – Tom Muller






Publisher – Image Comics

