PopCultHQ received an advance review copy of DEADPOOL: ASSASSIN #2 from Marvel Comics. Available June 27th, 2018, the creative team for this series features writing from Cullen Bunn, art from Mark Bagley, inks by John Dell, colors by Edgar Delgado, and lettering from VC’s Joe Sabino.
Here’s PopCultHQ’s spoiler-free review of…

Writer: Cullen Bunn
Artist: Mark Bagley
Inker: John Dell
Colorist: Edgar Delgado
Letterer: Joe Sabino
Cover Artists:
Mark Bagley
Gustavo Duarte
In Shops: June 27th, 2018
SRP: $4.99
PopCultHQ’s Comic Book Review:
Deadpool: Assassin #2
Cullen takes Deadpool to new places this issue. Well, new for those who know nothing of DP’s long career. It’s time to get down in New Orleans. What’s more, it’s Mardi Gras. That’s means Cullen brings out the partying, the parades and the…squad of hit-men? Oh yeah, there’s a squad of trained killers who want to ice Deadpool’s client and take down the Merc with a Mouth as well. But not saying who, or how or why. For that, people will need to read Cullen’s latest blood-soaked Deadpool fun-fest.
Mark Bagley, the man who knows how to draw gratuitous violence and make it look oh so fun. And with Deadpool, there’s always lots of fun super-killing to do. So get ready and get set for more gunplay, more swordplay, and even some unconventional killing styles. Plus lavishly drawn scenes set all across the great city of New Orleans.
John dished out some killer inks this issue. Lots of really smooth work for the character lines. Especially for Deadpool and the parade of killers. And that’s not to mention the inking he brings home for the shadows. Because what Deadpool comic wouldn’t be complete without shadows for hiding in and out of?
There’s a lot of bright color this time around. It corresponds with the setting perfectly. And Edgar’s choice of colors for the different assassins, their costumes, their methods. All of it is a brightly lit display of over-the-top style that keeps with Deadpool’s world. Edgar even gives a sweet taste of colorful mayhem that he will be putting on display in issue 3, at the very end of this latest book.
It’s lettering city for Joe. Of course there’s the usual chatty banter from DP. Surprisingly, there is also lots of chatter from side characters too. Not just the villains, or Weasel, but even the very low-level figures. The ones who show up for a page or panel and then are gone. All of it is a testament to how far Joe will go to make his mark on an issue, heck on a series.
PopCultHQ’s overall assessment:
Fighting down in New Orleans. Taking down baddies with guns, swords and other creative methods. Deadpool is in Cajun country and that means it’s about to get spicy bloody in the swamps and streets. What will Deadpool do when he’s confronted by multiple menaces all with murder on the mind? Pick up the sterling second installment and find out Merry Marvel fans!
PopCultHQ’s Rating:
5 Out of 5 Stars

DEADPOOL: ASSASSIN #2 can be purchased on ComiXology and available
at your local comic shop and online retailers on Wednesday, June 27th!
Be sure to follow the creative team!
Writer – Cullen Bunn
Letterer – Joe Sabino
Publisher – Marvel Comics