Comic PreviewsNew Comic Book Day [NCBD 12/13] Dark Horse Comics: FROM THE WORLD OF MINOR THREATS: The Alternates #4 It's the epic, mind-bending conclusion to the first Minor Threats spinoff series! Jason BennettDec 7, 2023Dec 7, 2023
Comic PreviewsNew Comic Book Day [NCBD 12/13] Dark Horse Comics: THE ASSASSIN’S APPRENTICE II #1 (of 6) Assassin's Apprentice starts its second installment here! Jason BennettDec 7, 2023Dec 7, 2023
Comic PreviewsNew Comic Book Day [NCBD 12/6] Dark Horse Comics: HELLBOY WINTER SPECIAL: The Yule Cat (One-Shot) Inspired by the stories of Jólakötturinn, the ferocious Yule Cat of Icelandic folklore! Jason BennettDec 6, 2023Dec 6, 2023
Comic PreviewsNew Comic Book Day [NCBD 12/6] Vault Comics: THE NASTY #5 Step into the world of a forbidden video nasty! Jason BennettDec 6, 2023Dec 6, 2023
Comic PreviewsNew Comic Book Day [NCBD 12/6] Dark Horse Comics: STAR WARS: The High Republic Adventures (Phase III) #1 "Out here at the edge of the war . . . death surrounds us." Jason BennettDec 6, 2023Dec 6, 2023
Comic PreviewsNew Comic Book Day [NCBD 12/6] AHOY Comics: THE WRONG EARTH: We Could Be Heroes #2 Cackling, mustache-twirling villains! BWA-HA-HA! Jason BennettDec 4, 2023Dec 4, 2023
Comic PreviewsNew Comic Book Day [NCBD 12/6] Marvel Comics: VENOM #28 A SYMBIOTIC FREE-FOR-ALL! Jason BennettDec 4, 2023Dec 4, 2023
Comic PreviewsNew Comic Book Day [NCBD 12/6] Zenescope: GRIMM TAIRY TALES #78 Skye has unearthed information that could plunge the world into a darkness there is no coming back from. Jason BennettDec 3, 2023Dec 3, 2023
Comic PreviewsNew Comic Book Day [NCBD 12/6] Marvel Comics: X-MEN #29 With the X-Men at their lowest point, yet another group has moved to claim their title… Jason BennettDec 3, 2023Dec 3, 2023
Comic PreviewsNew Comic Book Day [NCBD 12/6] Marvel Comics: THUNDERBOLTS #1 No one is safe from the Thunderbolts! Jason BennettDec 3, 2023Dec 3, 2023