Best Conventions That You Need To Visit Around The World


Nothing allows comic book fans to get closer to the action than a comic con, and due to the popularity of these, they have become common attractions around the world in this modern day. Some of the events are huge, with massive celebrities in attendance for fans to meet. Meanwhile, the smaller ones also offer something different, which means that fans shouldn’t rule out attending these ones too. But, which comic cons should you visit around the world?

San Diego

The biggest comic con in the world is the one that takes place every year in San Diego. It is the event that all comic book fans want to be in attendance for, and it is the measuring stick that all other comic cons are measured against. The event just gets bigger and bigger with every passing year, and next year’s event could be one of the biggest of all time as it will be making up for the missed event in 2019.

That means that next years will be the 50th edition, and there is expected to be some huge names in attendance to celebrate. The event will be taking place in July next year, and it will be a must for all comic book fans.

Lucca Comics And Games

The United States isn’t the only place to experience an exception convention, as Europe has a number of special events. looked at the excellent offering in Birmingham, United Kingdom, but it’s hard to argue that the long-standing Lucca Comics and Games isn’t the best in Europe. The sheer size of the event will catch those attending off guard, as a reported 250,000 visit every year, which is almost double number than attended the San Diego comic-con in 2016.

The event takes over the small town in Italy when it takes place, and it has become the standout place for exhibitions and gaming areas. It is a must for all fans of eSports, as there is a cathedral for the sport at the convention.


Those looking for a gaming convention unlike anything that they have ever experienced should check out Gamescon in Germany. The event takes place every year and is held in Cologne. It is the second biggest gaming event annually, and it is a huge event in terms of people that turn up. At the event in 2015, there was a reported 345,000 people that attended the event, with all of those getting to experience new games and meet likeminded people.

There is also so much to do in the city, which makes it an ideal place for families to visit, with a huge cathedral overlooking the city and a cosplay village during the event also somewhere that you need to check out. Gamescon runs for a whole weekend and typically takes place in August every year.