Backdrop Collapses During Planet Comicon Panel Injuring One, Host John Barrowman Handles Like a Pro

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There was a bit of a scary moment over the weekend when a backdrop collapsed during John Barrowman‘s panel at Planet Comiccon in Kansas City, Missouri. The actor known for his roles in Doctor Who, Torchwood, and Arrow made sure everyone was okay before cracking a few jokes. He even made a joke about knowing how much it hurts to lose a hand – alluding to what happened to his Arrow character Malcolm Merlyn.

A few volunteers tried to put the stage’s backdrop back up, but Barrowman told them to leave it to the professionals before continuing on with his panel.



A spokesperson for the conventions said that one person injured their hand in trying to catch part of the backdrop as it fell inward. No one else was hurt.

They also issued the following statement to local station KSHB:

Planet Comicon Kansas City is in touch with the individual who was medically transported during our afternoon panel. The safety of our guests is our number one priority and we are working with the facility to ensure that all equipment is properly and safely secured. We appreciate our guests’ willingness to showcase their human super powers on a daily basis and spring into action to help their fellow Planet Comicon attendee.