AfterShock Comics Replica #3 From Paul Jenkins and Andy Clarke: Comic Book Review


PopCultHQ Review: Really? REALLY?! Can s*** get any worse for Trevor Churchill, the Earth-born peacekeeping agent who resides on the intergalactic hub planet known as The Transfer? When Trevor mistakenly gets himself replicated into a number of identical looking copies of himself, he decided to make lemonade out of lemons. By using all his multiples to take over all his unwanted, mundane. mediocre agent work, Trevor thinks this will now be a breeze. Too bad Trevor never realized all the different sides of his personality which are now walking and talking but mostly very annoying versions of himself that would be driving him crazy! Not that his imbecile alien partner Vorgas wasn’t getting on his last nerves already.

In this issue Trevor Churchill is about to really go ape-s*** as he can’t get any one of his multiples to do what he needs done. First trying to get his stoner-lazy version of himself #3 to put his bong down long enough to concentrate on finding the clues to who killed a key member of a political group. Of course Vorgas doesn’t help much in the matters, once again, as he finds the substance known as pot in these delicious little brownies he’s now quite fond of.

Trevor’s other copy, #2, has also been at work with his player skills as he found himself in bed with the wrong person of power. Then Trevor risks the life of another of his replicates, the idiot #12 who was more than eager to show-off his “secret agent skills” (or lack there of) in an upcoming highly dangerous mission. Well, #12 was lost since he didn’t make it, but an army of robot killers does appears out of nowhere looking to kill a potential witness, which turns the agents headquarters into a massive shoot-out. The killer army is taken care of by some very clever work from Trevor which allows the witness to actually survive! But the real problems arise when #3 stopped smoking and was able to get the lab reports back on who the real killer was. Trevor is NOT going to be happy with the results.


I’m laughing my ass off at almost every page in this comic with Jenkins doing his best to give us fans a fresh new take on a fabulous concept with loads of humor and plenty of WTF moments. Just the kind of fun I like to have in my comics. Andy Clarke is doing a great job on this book as well, with some very clever and humorous backgrounds that add so much more to the comedy of the series. Its sci-fi story of agents on another world and having multiple copies of oneself is pulled off brilliantly in Replica, not something I’ve ever seen before and can’t wait to see more of.

Written by Eisner-award winning author Paul Jenkins (Wolverine: Origin, The Incredible Hulk, Spider-Man) and art superstar Andy Clarke (Batman, Judge Dredd), bring you Replica #3 from AfterShock Comics.

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars 

PopCultHQ 4 out of 5 stars

Written by: Paul Jenkins
Art by: Andy Clarke
Colored by: Dan Brown
Cover by: Andy Clarke


Preview pages:

In this issue we meet Number Three, a hippy and dropout of the highest (or lowest) order who drives Trevor absolutely insane with his laziness and stoner qualities. Also, we continue with our love pentacontagon (fifty-sided affair), the Scarlet are still a pain, Veet-Bot shows his fighting capabilities, a witness actually survives protective custody, and Vorgas gets stoned.

About Book

* Science Fiction

Page Count: 34 Pages
Print and Digital Release Date: February 3 2016
Age Rating: 15+ Only
Copyright: Paul Jenkins.
Sold by: Comic Book Shops, ComiXology, Aftershock
