[Ad] 10 Awesome Cosplay Costume Ideas for Students

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Back in the days, when things were simpler we all had days when school parties and Halloween was only about dressing up as your mom or your dad or some other slightly famous character from the neighbourhood. The most these costumes included was some fierce cartoon and the spookiest thing considered was dressing up as a mummy or a skeleton. It’s not like this wasn’t fun, it sure was!

Just as the time passed the trend and the competition has grown out to be pretty widespread. There are theme parties, comic cons, anime themed cosplay and a lot more similar events held at almost every institute as a co-curricular activity. Every student wants to stand out and hereby competition is pretty tough. This isn’t your average dress up party. out and hereby competition is pretty tough. the This isn’t your average dress up party. While you’re planning out things for the cosplay, your assignments must be lagging you can always refer to Peachy Essay for such assistance in the meanwhile.

In this article we’ll go through ten awesome and inspirational cosplay ideas for students to become the highlight in the upcoming cosplay events. The options will include costumes which are easy to put together, can be comfortably carried and recognizable characters to perfectly depict your personality.


Girl super-hero squad includes women like Wonder Woman, Harley Quinn, Shuri, Bat-woman and many more. It’s the perfect time that you choose one of these characters which depicts your personality and steal the cosplay show. If you’ve a funky punk side of your personality with a pinch of bad-girl qualities, you’re Harley Quinn of your cosplay story who’s ready to take down anything which comes her way. If you’re brave and fearless, you got to play Shuri in the upcoming cosplay. If you’re loyal and bright play it strong like the wonder woman. Now gather your girls and put together the best girl-power cosplay squad in history.

Two cute to be together

Now if you’re looking for ideas for an upcoming cosplay event and you have a plus one to take along, this one’s for you. You can go for odd as well as the best combinations to be put together, for example peanut butter and toast ughh the best breakfast combo of all times so one of you dress up like a toast and the other one as a jar of peanut butter. Meant to be together, right? You can also choose popular cartoon characters which aren’t usually picked such as Fred and Daphne, Popeye and olive, Mr Mayor and Ms Bellum, Fred and Wilma Flinstone.

Sci-fi Freaks

If the science-fiction lover inside you pushes you to dress up as a character from your favourite sci-fi movie/series, what are you waiting for? You sure are going to give your fellows students a tough competition. Star-Wars, interstellar, Star Treck, Lord of the Rings, Narnia, hunger games and so many more are on the list for you. However if you’re thinking out of the box, transformers is a pretty good option. All you would need is cardboard boxes and some paints; Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, cliff-jumper and all other in your hand. There are some other quirky sci-fi costumes you can finalize which include aliens, avatar inspired costumes and stranger things.

Bestfriend additions

It’s a good time to conquer the world as best friends, well that was too dramatic lets rephrase it, it’s high time that you and your best friend have some fun at the upcoming cosplay event. Look for rivals who acted as friends to break the stereotypes, like Tom and Jerry, Buggs Bunny and Daffy Duck, Daphne and Welma, Popeye and Brutus. However you can also choose the actual friendly pairs from some of the cutest animated movies such as Dory and Marlin from finding Nemo, Alladin and genie, Elsa and Olaf, a lot other best friend cosplay options are available.

Celebrity for a day

As kids we’ve always secretly admired atleast one of the celebrities who had questionable fashion choices yet was greatly adored by the public, Miley Cyrus for instance, Lady Gaga and Britney Spears. However you can also choose to dress up all girly and neat like Taylor Swift or add a spark of goth to your look like Rihana. If you have a group of friends you can choose a certain music video or a band or even a movie as your cosplay inspiration.

Handpicked cartoons

Growing up we’ve all adored at least one or more cartoon series a lot. Power-puff girls, Dexter and DeeDee, courage the cowardly dog, dragon tails, Sponge bob and patrick, shaggy and scooby and a lot others will give you enough ideas to dress up as any one of your favourite character. Moreover, Pokemon another admired cartoon series have a number of famous pokemons and their persons you can dress up as. You wouldn’t look as bad as a poke-ball even.

Fairies and fairy tales

Series like Tinkerbell and Winx Club, true depiction of fairy life which captures your attention in no time. The costumes and outfits in both the series were equally catchy. Here’s another great idea, blending in some magic with a bit of fairy goodness will light up the cosplay event you’re looking forward to. Peter pan, princess and the frog, beauty and the beast, maleficent, anime characters like Juvia Lockser would help you create a trendy yet an odd look to stand out of the crowd.

Mix and match

Mixing up costumes of any two famous characters, sound fun. It’s the best to confuse others and yet steal the limelight effortlessly. Picking lead characters from different games would be an excellent choice!

Haunted by the horror

Cosplay isn’t all about reviving the sweet and sour characters, sometimes the bitter side also needs to be crossed. Roles like Chucky, Chucky’s bride, Frankenstein, the clown and Slanderman are the darkest and scariest characters from our favourite horror stories are all set to make a terrifying entry at the upcoming cosplay event.

DIY cosplay ideas

Makeup and a few accessories, with a handpicked set of clothes from the closet can help you create your own look for the cosplay. It’s not necessary that you disguise yourself as some popular character, you do have the option to create your own unique look. Accessories like wings, wigs, nails, face and body painting and makeup art are your tools to create your masterpiece.

The crux

Comic cons and Cosplays aren’t restricted to certain areas or institutions anymore. They have gone global. All such activities which include creating something after a whole though process is considered as a healthy activity. You get to unleash your creative side and this can be categorized as a healthy competition too. The social interactions during such events help you grow at many levels and let you have fun at another level. Let’s hope you got some great ideas of how you can play with different looks and create an amazing one for your cosplay event.